Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

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National Geodetic Survey Division 
Coast and Geodetic Survey 
National Ocean Service 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 
Silver Spring, MD.20310 U.S.A. 
The ultimate goal of Integrated Production Systems (IPS) for spatial 
data is to serve the needs of the user community in a cost effective 
and efficient manner. The problems facing the process of institu- 
tionalization of such systems must be addressed in order to enhance 
their usage. Besides the merits of the IPS, which are based on the 
advanced technologies involved in the their development, the driving 
force behind their usage will be their capacity to integrate into 
widely used geographic information systems. A greater understanding 
of the issues in this context will help in avoiding major pitfalls 
and lead to wider acceptance of IPS. In this paper, some of the 
major institutional issues are identified, discussed, and recommen- 
dations made. 
KEY WORDS: Integrated production systems, spatial data, geographic 
information system, photogrammetry, remote sensing. 
1. INTRODUCTION of applications and products of 
IPS. This is due to the inherent 
In the context of the scope of capability. of. .GIS: to. perform 
the ISPRS Commission II Working analysis of several layers of 
Group WGII/5 on Integrated spatial data to produce GIS- 
Production Systems (IPS), the derived spatial information for 
systems considered in this specific user applications. Data 
discussion are restricted to bases for spatial data and its 
those which generate geo- attributes are an integral part 
referenced data products from of the GIS for analysis and its 
spatial data using technologies subsequent use by the IPS. 
of photogrammetry and remote 
sensing. IPS makes use of 2. BACKGROUND 
Photogrammetric source data to 
Produce topographic maps, ortho- 
Photo images and maps, digital 
terrain models and the like. Photogrammetry and remote sensing 
Likewise, IPS uses remotely technologies provide geo- 
Sensed source data from the Image referenced source data for IPS. 
Analysis System (IAS) to produce The IAS manipulates remotely 
thematic maps. Interface of IPS sensed digital image data as a 
With Geographic Information source data for the IPS.  Photo- 
System (GIS) enhances the realm grammetric plotters collect map 
2.1 Technologies 

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