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photogrammetric plotters. In most instances, data files
from these data capturesystems are then exported into
a GIS for further analysis and product finishing.
On the other hand, the environmental and resource
management communities usually rely on multispectral
remote sensing systems, such as Landsat and SPOT, to
derive their data. Because of the favorable geometry
inherent in many of these systems, adjustment to the
GIS coordinate system has typically been accomplished
with relatively simple polynomial warping models,
based upon common control points, with no rigorous
modeling of the geometry of the sensor system. Data
from these remote sensing systems are usually
extracted directly from the soft copy images, either by
multispectral feature classification methods, by
digitizing the vector outlines, or by combinations of
both methods. The interface to the GIS is typically
interactive on a common workstation with the image
processing software.
After analyzing future remote sensing processing needs
in the USGS and other U.S. Government civil agencies
the USGS observed that the precieved boundaries
between mapping and environmental remote sensing
frequently overlapped in addressing current problems.
Some of the more advanced remote sensing systems,
such as SPOT, can look off nadir to a significant
degree; therefore, the effects of relief displacement on
the plotted position of features must be considered.
This positioning requires mathematical rigor beyond
the ability of the simple polynomial warping model.
The National Aerial Photography Program (NAPP)
provides a source for relatively high-resolution
panchromatic and color infrared images that many
users have found to be a useful complement to
traditional remote sensing data. The prospect of the
ready availability of digital orthophoto quadrangles
(DOO) derived from NAPP imagery increases the
need to be able to exploit all of these sources
concurrently in a common workstation environment.
The NARSAP is designed to provide an environment
where personnel from various civil agencies, with help
and guidance from USGS personnel, can use these
advanced remote sensors when addressing their
problems. These problems may include: disaster relief
from such phenomena as volcanic eruptions,
earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods; as well as
scientific experiments on earth processes, land use and
land cover determination, geologic structure, and
stream mixing patterns; or monitoring of stream flood
stages, erosion, wetlands loss, potential volcanic
activity, land cover, and dam safety. This list is
certainly not exhaustive.
Because virtually all of the civil agencies have ongoing
programs that use remote sensing and GIS’s, the
NARSAP facility needed the capability to ingest
information from these external systems and to
transfer information back to these same external
systems for further analysis. In particular, adherence
to the Spatial Data Transfer Standard (FIPS 173)
vector and raster profiles was desired, with
implementation as soon as the profiles are operational.
The NARSAP workstations were to be located near
the Advanced Cartographic System (ACS), a primary
component of the USGS’s modernized map production
system. Because the workstations would be required
to exchange GIS and other data with the ACS
workstations, there had be compatibility with that
The NARSAP system acquisition began with the intent
to purchase a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)
system, specifying the system in the broadest possible
functional terms so that the specifications could be
met by vendors’ standard product lines rather than
customized products. Innovation on the part of
respondents was welcomed. If a function required by
the specification could be met by a product in an
acceptable manner other than that defined by the
specifications, the vendor was encouraged to address
the alternative. It was preferred that the functional
requirements be met by a truly COTS system rather
than by special modifications to a system.
When the NARSAP specifications were being
developed, three points were stressed:
1. The system specifications would have to be
written in the broadest possible terms so that
they could be met by standard product lines.
No custom development was to be involved in
the procurement.
2. The initial system configuration would have
to provide basic processing capabilities for
testing potential applications.
3. Because it is impossible to forecast what
new capabilities will be developed or where
they will come from, the initial system must
be as open as possible to future
A block diagram of a first draft is shown in figure 1.
Its purpose was as much to help the USGS understand
what was needed as it was to help prospective
contractors. The final configuration was clearly left to
the contractors to propose.
Workstations were to have stand alone capability.
However, a Transmission Control Protocol/Internet