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format) by Canada Centre for Remote Sensing
on the PCI System and input to the CARIS
System. The CARIS System then reformatted
the PIP file to the CARIS IPV format which
was required for processing and display.
3.2.1 Measurement and Evaluation of
Reference Data
In preparation for the measurement of the
reference points, spectral bands 7, 2 and 1 of
the Landsat TM image were selected and the
image was enhanced by performing contrast
stretching through a histogram equalization on
the red, green and blue bands. This enhanced
the detail in the image and improved the
identification of the selected control points. To
collect data from a Landsat image, the image
must first be registered to projection reference
system to ensure that collected data is in its
proper planimetric position. Due to the small
mapping scale, low relief and immediate
unavailability of DEM, correction for relief
displacement was not performed for the TM
image. The registration of the image to the
vector data was performed by a polynomial type
transformation (Welch et al., 1985;
Colvocoresses, 1986).
Thirty-five (35) reference points were measured
interactively in both the vector file and Landsat
raster file. In some cases, digitizing these
reference points proved to be difficult,
especially where the point was located in an area
of similar spectral reflectance such as a rural
road intersection surrounded by cultivated
fields. An interactive evaluation of the control
and reference points was performed. This
functionality allowed two data sets to be
graphically displayed and their respective
control files to be evaluated during the
adjustment. When evaluating the control
points, the operator may remove points with
large residuals, add new points, re-run the same
adjustment or perform the adjustment using
another transformation. The geometric
correction of the Landsat TM image was
performed using a third degree polynomial
transformation. Twenty-one (21) control points
were selected for the rectification of Landsat
image and the registration to the vector data.
The standard deviation of the planimetric
residuals after the adjustment was t14.7m
(£10.9m in x and +17.7m in y). Nearest
neighbour resampling was applied to the image
and the output pixel size was kept at 30m. To
obtain an indication of the quality of the
adjustment, the coordinates of fourteen (14)
image check points were measured compared to
their "true" ground values. The standard
deviation of the differences between "true" and
measured coordinates were calculated and for
ten of the check points were +12.6m in x and
+16.1m in y. The coordinate differences in the
other four check points varied between sub-
pixel values to two-pixel values. These results
satisfy the NATO A rating planimetric accuracy
(CMAS-125m) for the 1:250 000 maps,
equivalent to standard deviation of differences
of +41.2m.
3.2.2. Change Detection and Vector Data
The task of change detection was performed
visually by displaying the integrated vector and
raster files to determine areas within the vector
file that have experienced physical change.
Only minor changes, such as the enlargement of
a couple of gravel pits and the addition of a road
were detected. To provide an opportunity to try
the revision functionality, features from the
vector file were masked to simulate change.
For the collection of the 'updates', a unique
layer number was set to differentiate the data
collected on the Landsat TM image from the
original vector data. This was necessary for
later separation of the Landsat data for
comparison to the original data. Data collection
was performed interactively using screen
digitization (mouse & cursor). The features
collected were: roads, built up areas, water
courses, waterbodies, gravel pits, forests and
power lines. The identification of features was
considered biased, as their identity was already
known from the masked data. It was found that
in areas of high contrast the feature delineation
was highly accurate. Examples of features that
were relatively easy to interpret were power
transmission lines cut through forested areas,
water body boundaries (but not narrow
streams), most forest areas, gravel pits and
multi-lane roads. Classification of roads and
the differentiation between cut lines, roads and
power lines would not be possible directly from
a Landsat TM image and would require field
verification or the use of ancillary data. Cases
where it was difficult to determine the feature
delineation were between rural roads and
cultivated fields, built up area extent, residential
roads through built up areas, and between some
forests and fields. Since digital aerial
photography was available, it was referenced to