Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

nd the coordinates of 
pographic data base. 
+ 3.6 m. We should 
fy well-defined points 
village (80% of the 
ic. were chosen. 
that 90% of the well. 
- 4m. Even if the 
ined by a comparison 
results indicate that 
ital topographic data 
template revising the 
Cost including a 
Soft Orthophoto 
Available from 
Dept of Natural 
Resources and 
1:10 000 
Enhanced Digital 
$ 450 
$ 400 
$ 250 
$ 300 
Not Required 
$ 150 
$ 150 
$ 150 
$ 1 850 
» evaluate the soft 
update the digital 
ling of the process 
ard soft orthophoto 
ie. production of à 
a refinement of the 
The New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and 
Energy has embarked on a ten year colour aerial photography 
project at the scale of 1:25 000. (Figure 7-1). By the end of 
1994, the whole southern part of the province will be available. 
This will give the province a wide range of sites to refine the 
cost of the digital topographic data revisions using soft 
Figure 7-1 
Potential cost optimization could be achieved in the following 
- optimization of the flight line 
- changing the GPS position of the photogrammetric camera 
from + 5 m (1993 photography contract) to + 20 cm 
- Scanning costs for use of the Zeiss PhotoScan PS 1 
belonging to the Triathalon Mapping Services company in 
British Columbia were $190 (1993) per colour photo 
(24 bits) at a resolution of 15 um. Larger contracts might 
reduce the cost. 
- Production of the soft orthophoto required three (3) hours 
of processing (each photo) on a SUN SPARC station IPX 
equipped with 16 MB of central memory. The processing 
tme is reduced to 20 minutes on a HP 9715/50 
workstation. Processing time could be reduced to 
10 minutes in a production environment. 
The project to evaluate the soft colour orthophoto for the digital 
topographic data revision has given positive results. 
We anticipate the demand for a soft colour orthophoto base will 
grow in the years to come as an ideal backdrop for parcel 
mapping, and a host of other applications. The soft colour 
orthophoto base can become a profitable product on the 
Blectronic Information Highway. 
Burchill, G.P., and W.E. Golding, 1944. Forestry and Post- 
War Reconstruction in New Brunswick. New Brunswick 
Committee on Reconstruction, 35 p. 
Castonguay, R.H., 1984. La cartographie en l'an 2000 
[Mapping in the Twenty-First Century]. The Canadian 
Surveyor, Vol. 34, No. 3. 
Derenyi, E.E., 1991. Design and Development of a 
Heterogeneous GIS. CISM Journal, Vol. 45, No. 4. 
Derenyi, E.E. and C.H. Teng, 1992. Digital Map Revision in 
a Hybrid Geographic Information System, International 
Archives of Photogrammetry, Vol. 29, Part B4, p 533-536, 
August 2-14, International Society of Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing. 
Hamilton, A.C., 1974. A Critical Review of Alternatives with 
Respect to the Geodetic System for the Maritime Provinces, 
UNB Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering. 
Hamilton, A.C., 1976. The Principal Concepts for a Long- 
Term Mapping Program in the Maritime Provinces, UNB 
Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering. 
Masry, S.E., L. Mayer and J. Hughes Clarke, 1994. 
Integrating Geographic Information and Image Analysis 
Functionality into a Single Spatial Analysis System, 
Schriftenreihe des Studiengangs Vermessurgswesen, 
Universität der Bundeswehr München, Munich, Germany 
New Brunswick Information Geographic Corporation, 1992. 
Pricing Policy, 4 p. 
Province of New Brunswick, 1989. Land Information Policy. 
Shih, T.Y. and E.E. Derenyi, 1992. Orthoimage Generation in 
a GIS Environment. International Archives of 
Photogrammetry, Vol. 29, Part B4, p 221-223, August 2- 
14, International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote 

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