| during 1971
insisting of 16
was taken in
11.5 cm focal
ely. Enlarge-
re also used.
iarcation and
w of the prac-
arking every
) do the pre-
ndaries i.e., a
yundaries fol-
ion easy. The
ie trenches in
) cms x 15 cms
middle. Sub-
ovided using
DM) instru-
early identifi-
led as control
g was carried
rified on the
oldings. Plot-
ereo plotters.
; pre-marked
points. This
ion. Plotting
00 scale. Vil-
so produced.
nerated. Out
ed 4,000 hec-
red areas in-
[he cost per
d worked out
methods suf-
between Sur-
| Records and
y Ministry of
f India. The
ges. Aerial
e been used.
| using EDM
instruments and Sprit-levelling. The preliminary
results showed an accuracy of 0.5 metre which
compare favourably with the accuracy require-
ments in the traditional system. An integrated
approach by using the co-ordinates generated by
stereo plotters for a village map/land parcel map
and other connected maps as required by the local
administration are being generated with greater
speed and economy. The entire work is expected
to cost about Rs.150 lakhs.
Global Positioning System (GPS), which
provide coordinates and heights of points with the
signals from satellites, is emerging as a powerful
technology for application in the cadastral surveys
also. If used in an organised manner, this can
replace the present system of providing control
using EDM instruments. Sample observations
were made in Deccinber '94 using Motorolas Dif-
ferential GPS . The distances computed from the
observed coordinates compared favourably with
the traditional accuracy standards. Maximum
error was in the order of 0.65 metres. If GPS is
well integrated with photogrammetric technology,
building of Cadastral LIS will become economical
and speedier while meeting the accuracy stand-
ards. One of the major advantages of GPS tech-
nology is that this can be used during day and night
and in all weather conditions. It also requires
very short programmes of familiarization for
using the existing manpower.
Planning Commission as part of its plan-
ning approach, considers spatial planning as re-
lated to the choice of locations in a region from
where wide range of socio economic infrastruc-
ture and surveys facilities are to be provided effec-
tively. Having appreciated importance of spatial
dimension of planning, Govt. of India is very keen
on generating Land Information System through
digital technology. On a national basis, this invol-
ves huge investments of money, manpower, effort
and time. Department of Rural Development,
Govt. of India is attempting to undertake a num-
ber of pilot projects in different parts of the
country. In a couple of years, it is expected that
results will be available for evolving standards for
digital photogrammetric technology for cadastral
surveys in India.
Dale P.F. Cadastral Surveys within the
Commonwealth; His Majesty's Printing Office.
"Fiftieth Anniversary Highlights" Map Ac-
curacy Specifications. Photogrammetric En-
gincering and Remote Sensing, Feb. 1984:237 -
Kumar G S, et.al 1985 rectified
photographs for cadastral surveys - a case study,
of India Cadastral Survey Seminar, Dehra Dun.
Nagarajan B (1988) Cadastral and Land
Information System Technical Publication
No.8842 R&D Directorate, Survey of India.
Paul E Norman, 1965. Photogrammetry
and the Cadastral Survey. A33 ITC Publication :
65 pages.
Pillai KN GK and Ahuja J S , Cadastral
Surveys using Digital Photogrammetric Worksta-
tions present at 13th INCA Congress.
Quinn A O, 1983. Legal Aspects of
Photogrammetric Measurements for Surveying
and Mapping. Paper published at New York State
Association of Professional Land Surveyors Con-
ference. Photogrammetric Engineering and
Remote Sensing, 50(4):453-456.
Robert Burtch and Khagendra Thapa,
1990. Multipurpose Cadastral Accuracy Stand-
ards. Surveying and Land formation Systems, 50
(4) : 271 - 277.
Wander Weele A J, 1974. Photogram-
metry for Cadastral Surveys. Paper Presented to
the United Nations' Inter regional Seminar on
Cadastral Surveying and Urban Mapping. The
ITC - Journal 1974 - 5.617 - 627.
Zhilin Li Hill, C.T., AZZIZI, A. and
CLARK , M.J 1992. Exploiting the Potential
Benefits of Digital Photogrammetry Some Practi-
cal Examples. Paper read at the Thompson Sym-
posium. Photogrammetric Record, 14(81) : 469 -