Robert Klepko
Defence Scientist
Defence Research Establishment Ottawa
3701 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0Z4
KEYWORDS: Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR Images, Ships, Classification, Computer-based tools, Operator-
machine interface
The Airborne Radar and Navigation Section at the Defence Research Establishment Ottawa (DREO) has
developed an airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) that is capable of generating, in real-time, high-
resolution radar images of ocean-going ships. The acquired SAR images of ships must be classified as to the
type of ship, and this is performed by a Radar Operator. Classification must be done in real-time and with
precision. Given that there are an abundance of images, and that these images can be generated at a high rate,
it is difficult for a Radar Operator to maintain an accurate classification without the use of some aids.
A. set of Operator aids, in the form of a computer-based graphics system, is currently being researched and
developed. This system is called the Radar Operator Interactive Classification and Training System (ROICATS).
ROICATS is composed of three main components: computer-based tools, operator-machine interface features,
and automated target classification algorithms. This paper gives an overview of the work done on each of these
three components.
La section du radar aéroporté et de la navigation du centre de recherches pour la défense à Ottawa a mis au
point un Radar à ouverture synthétique (ROS) qui génére des images radars à haute résolution de navires de
haute en temps réel. Un opérateur de radar doit classer les images ROS des vaisseaux en catégories. La
classification doit étre faite en temps réel et avec précision. À cause de l'abondance d'images et parce qu'elles
sont générées tres vite, l'opérateur du radar peut difficilement les classer correctement sans aide.
Nous mettons au point un ensemble d'aides à l'opérateur, sous la forme d'un systéme informatique graphique.
Ce systéme est appelé le Systéme d'entrainement et de classification interactive avec l'opérateur radar
(SECIOR). Le SECIOR comprend trois composantes: outils informatiques, interface usager et algorithme de
classification automatique de cibles. Ce rapport résume le travail accompli pour chacune des trois composantes.
1.0 INTRODUCTION accomplish the main requirement for classification,
which is to determine whether a ship is combatant or
The Airborne Radar Section at DREO has developed
an airborne SAR system, called SPOTlight SAR, which
is capable of generating, in real-time, high-resolution
radar images of land targets, and ships at sea. This
SAR system is actually a new operational mode that
will be incorporated into the AN/APS-506 Maritime
Search radar on the CP-140. The AN/APS-506 radar,
as it exists now, has three conventional modes of
operation which are used for: periscope detection;
weather watch and navigation; and long range detection
of ships. It is possible to track a single target in all
three modes. Because of the conventional search
radar's coarse spatial resolution, it is not possible to
noncombatant. Hence, the SAR mode was introduced
to provide both this capability, and a capability for
high-resolution land imaging.
The SAR mode can be sub-divided into one of three
sub-modes. In the first sub-mode, called the SPOTlight
mode, the antenna is maintained fixed on a specific
target, a certain amount of radar returns are
accumulated, and a very high resolution radar image 1s
generated from this data. With this image, detected
targets can be classified. In an adaptive version of this
mode, moving ship targets on the open ocean are
tracked and compensated for their motion. In
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