any commercial
ct-oriented. The
in Delta-X sery-
latabase servers
cal schema, and
ata. The internal
r Server is trans-
eration. A sepa-
pts each internal
a interface used
es are GIS-spe-
1es and the data-
Delta-X that are
ita storage func-
data processing
y facilitates data
ganized applica-
t also enables us
lopment in both
or example, the
-X prototype can
hout any impact
n fact, different
itabase manage-
ist in a Delta-X
ach other. Simi-
e of GIS without
interchange for-
allow different
cessing systems
Delta-X federa-
imework of
in a Delta-X cli-
Delta-X servers
; conversational
llows. A client
action, and then
| the server fin-
when it has to
rver connects to
ta or reports the
1e asynchronous
a-X is the long
transactions. À
purs to complete
and it would not be reasonable to maintain a connec-
tion between a client and a server and thus tie up
network resources for the whole duration of the
The asynchronous communication between the
server and the client has several other advantages.
First, the server can simultaneously process multiple
transactions from multiple clients without running
out of communication channels. Second, asynchro-
nous communication between Delta-X entities facil-
itates nesting and chaining of Delta-X transactions.
For example, a client may request a transaction from
a certain server. The server starts the transaction and
once in a while connects to the client to deliver a
report on progress of the transaction. When the
transaction migrates to another server, for example,
to perform a special conversion, the new server will
also connect to the client in the same way to deliver
status reports and eventually the results. The client
does not have to tear down the connection to the old
server and establish a connection to the new server.
However, the client must be informed by the servers
that the transaction has migrated so that it knows
where to send inquiries about the transaction.
The implementation of client-server and server-
server asynchronous communication is based on the
SUN remote procedure calls over TCP/IP.
3.0 The Delta-X Server
The Delta-X server is a node in a network of Delta-
X hosts which has a data repository containing a part
of shared data stored in the Delta-X federation. The
Delta-X server performs the following functions:
1. Transaction management and surveillance
2. Data storage, access, and management
3. Data conversion
Client-server and server-server communication
over a LAN or WAN
5. Naming and authentication for Delta-X clients
The Delta-X server comprises modules shown in
Figure 2. The modules are: the Transaction Monitor,
multiple Data Conversion modules, the Data Mover
module, the Delta-X database management module,
and one or more optional specialized GIS server
modules to perform functions that are specific to
that particular GIS. For example, a part of the con-
version into ARC/INFO format must be performed
on the ARC/INFO GIS system itself. The GIS server
Delta-X - Server
Delta-X - Server 2
Data Mover |
Delta-X - Client
Specialized Server |
Im dm.
Figure 2: The Delta-X Server