en the operating
nd initializing its
tables, the server
X server with a
e Figure 3). The
ins: Delta-X cli-
the transaction,
(in case of data
(in case of data
entication of the
t and of the type
nds an acknowl-
client and then
see Figure 3).
>d in the transac-
the read and/or
fied in the lock
until the data is
ad transactions:
ess to unlocked
read access to
] check-out read
ite transactions:
-in which modi-
lways creates a
wed only if the
user. Older, no
be deleted man-
the same data,
ollowing a write
> all write trans-
ss accesses the
an proceed con-
about the status
nessages at
progress of the
atus messages
informed about
it the user can
$- 1...
Dx Client Collection
calling Service
Dx Client Collection
Calling Service et.
Dx Client Collection
calling Service
Delta-X Server
—] Dx Server's transaction process
——— PB» Dx Server's transaction process
p» Dx Server's transaction process
ist call: “request for transaction”
1st return: “acknowledgment of a transaction”
Initialization of a transaction process
2nd call: “reply with results”
Figure 3: The Delta-X Client-Server Communication
make decisions about the further execution of a
transaction. This is necessary, because a typical
format conversion can take a few hours to com-
plete even on a powerful workstation.
2. The Delta-X client periodically monitors transac-
tions that it started.
A single Delta-X server can be accessed by many
Delta-X clients at the same time. Even a single client
can start many transaction on the same server. In our
curent implementation, all conversion processes
Share the same CPU. The Delta-X server architec-
ture, however, can also be implemented on a parallel
machine or on a cluster of workstations on a dedi-
cated LAN, where each transaction process runs on
a different machine. All transaction processes share
the same database.
4.0 The Delta-X Client
The Delta-X client is a software module that runs on
the user's machine and enables Delta-X users to start
and control data conversion and transfer transac-
tions. Users can either export their data to or import
data from a server. The Delta-X client also supports
administrative functions, such as joining or leaving