at the user’s
he MetaView
tes the proper
a resides. The
uring its start-
-rver and que-
elta-X federa-
data is present
the server and,
| pre-view the
lient's display
al characteris-
ta) as well as
ssociated with
ifies the trans-
of the desired
| data (i.e. the
^ names), the
vert and trans-
machine does
> on which the
e.g. it can be
, but the user
ation machine
is transaction,
- messages for
vill notify the
leted and the
the specified
machine. The
xample ARC/
the GIS.
ort data to the
the MetaView
1e data should
| update rights
the transaction
mat, and loca-
mes), the des-
ansaction. The
r this transac-
1e transaction.
iser when the
sired data has
To Delta-X
Delta-X Client
Data Transfer and
|. Conversion GUI | GUI.
Network 4
Delta-X Data Communication Database
Display zm Registration
Control >
> Transaction
Status Display
Figure 4: The Delta-X Client
5.0 Comparison with Related Systems
Compared with on-line transaction processing SyS-
tems (TPS), which typically process thousands of
simple requests, each of which updates the shared
data and the state of the TPS, and which have strin-
gent requirements for atomicity, consistency, isola-
tion and durability (ACID), the architecture of
Delta-X is designed with slightly different criteria in
In particular, Delta-X transactions are long-lived -
they can take about an hour to complete on a power-
ful workstation. Therefore, mechanisms must be put
in place for the user to inquire about the status of the
transaction and to control the flow of the transaction.
Moreover, if possible, Delta-X must allow concur-
rent accesses to data for as many transactions as pos-
sible so that reasonable throughput and response
time of the system is guaranteed. This requirement
can be easily met, as most accesses to Delta-X data
are read-only.
Second, Delta-X supports versioning of data - each
update creates a new version of the data. Thus, data
consistency problems are avoided.
Finally, the main performance criteria for Delta-X is
the throughput of the system alone, as opposed to
both throughput and response time in a typical TPS.
However, Delta-X avoids waiting and queueing for
data wherever possible, so that the response time for
a transaction is given by the duration of the transac-
tion, not by the time the transaction has to wait for
data (which could be several hour in the worst case).
On the other hand, requirements for system avail-
ability, user authentication, atomicity of operations
(mostly updates of the MetaView browser database)
are similar for transaction processing systems and
6.0 Future Work
The prototype Delta-X implementation will be grad-
ually extended in the following areas:
1. The support for high security will be added to
make Delta-X C2-compliant.
2. Delta-X servers will be made fault-tolerant and
highly available by adding hot stand-by servers
and/or introducing data replication across the
servers in the federation.