Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

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Development of Simple Updating System for Digital Maps 
Hiromichi Maruyama, K. Ishida, N. Kubo, S. Odagiri 
Geographical Survey Institute, Ministry of Construction 
Kitasato-1, Tsukuba-City, Ibaraki-Pref., Japan 305 
Digital maps are very important as the basic information of Geographic Information System, and 
should be updated as frequent as possible. However, conventional method using stereo plotter and 
stereo photographs takes much time for updating and requires skillful operators. 
Therefore, in cooperation with companies, we developed the simple updating system in which 
scanned digital aerial photograph is overlaid on digital map to be updated and an operator finds and 
updates the changed parts on the computer display. 
This system does not require special 
photogrammetric instruments but common workstation and its peripherals, such as scanner, 
cartridge disk drive and color hard copy, and as the stereoscopic viewing is not required, anyone can 
handle it easily. 
KEY WORDS: Map revision, Digital aerial photograph, Digital map 
Maps should be revised according to the 
changes of earth such as the 
construction of new roads, buildings or the 
development of golf links. So far, when map 
revision 1s conducted, geometric accuracy has 
been mainly stressed on. Therefore three 
dimensional measurement using stereoplotter, 
which requires the special instruments, skillful 
operator, 1s applied for map revision. 
Recently, the digital maps have come to be 
often generated and used in the GIS 
environment. This means, in order to increase 
the reliability of the results of analysis of the 
GIS operations such as the extractions of some 
map features or the overlay with other layers, 
the contents of map should be coincide with 
real situation more than before. 
Based on these backgrounds, simple updating 
System for digital maps, which does not 
require special instruments and enable anyone 
to revise maps if digitized aerial photograph 
are available, has been developed by the 
cooperative work between Geographical 
Survey Institute (GSI) and companies. In the 
following, the basic design of updating system 
is summarized and the system designed for 
1:25,000 scale map, which has been 
developed by GSI, and the system for 1:2,500 
scale map, which has developed by companies, 
are described. 
Simple updating system should be the system 
by which anyone can revise digital map easily. 
In order to attain this concept, the 
measurement by stereoscopic view should not 
be used and the extraction of changed parts 
should be able to be done easily. Therefore, in 
this system maps are revised manually using 
mouse after single digital photograph 1s 
overlaid on the digital map to be revised and 
the changed parts are recognized visually. 
Figure 1 shows typical hardware configuration 
of simple updating system. 

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