digital map data to be revised 1:2,500 scale digital map data
m scale of aerial photograph 1:12,500
digital map, scanning pitch 11.5 um x 13.5 um
ire special accuracy of roads 0.57 m (52)
but common accuracy of buildings 1.23 m (28)
m Td anyone rate of omission for building revision | 7 96
) m OU scale - planimetric accuracy of the revision by simple updating method
eloped by GSI assuming revison results by stereo plotter true
to be adopted - figures in parenthesis are numbers of points where differences are measured
rom this year.
cale mapping
systems show
otograph such
fficult unless
igh resolution.
Table 1 Specification of data used for experiment and the accuracy of simple updating method
hinari, and B.
ed 1/25,000
and Remote
solid lines: revision by simple updating system
broken lines : revision by stereo plotter
Figure 4 : Example of 1:2,500 scale digital map revised by simple updating system