Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

Spatial and structural segmentation schemes 
should be considered to overcome the limitations 
Other simple textural measures should be 
evaluated for  augmenting the spectral 
of the spectral classifiers. classification. The a uth 
and inpu 
Complex scenes containing floes with dark tones or Textural algorithms which account for both the d 
areas with smooth firstyear ice can be confused with natural texture elements in an image and the speckle m em 
open water using tone and texture alone. It is resultant from the coherent SAR system, may be used = A | 
possible to differentiate some of these floes from to characterize ice types and open water. The texture cm a h 
open water by spectral algorithms, however there is measures could be used in conjunction with shape and PI oug 
no reliable means to identify which areas are open size measures to give an indication of internal ra 1 an 
water or sea ice based solely upon the spectral structure. everop 
information. Shape and size are two simple measures 
which can be used to identify many of these features. 
Barber I 
Flett, an 
5:2 GHz, HH Polarization (a) 3 9.6 GHz, HH Folarization Falkingh 
S io 9 | of Sea I 
b v -i0[ 
: -20 > $ : 3 Hirose T 
SS for a Se 
$ -30| $ 
o o Calm Water o po Imagery 
tit $0 rN Environ: 
-50 1 a 1 1 J -40 x Calm Water ; . > Remote 
0 20 40 60 80 10 20 30 40 50 60 
Angle of Incidence, degrees Angle of incidence, degrees Hirose 
report : 
(b) Algorith 
5.2 GHz, HH Polarization 9.6 GHz, HH Polarization Environt 
0 10 Remote 
2 a Multiyear ice © ® Multiyear Ice 
© ~18 + First-Year Ice € or * First - Year Ice 
5 el a Calm Water s Ael Calm Water Kowk, ] 
3 3 C : (1992) Ik 
$ sof $ -20| E ER] Syntheti 
$ sof $ -aol > Geophys 
à 2 AR 2402. 
-50 + se 1 i -40 1 A 1 A i 
0 20 40 60 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 
Angle of Incidence, degroes Angle of Incidence, degrees Langhan 
Figure 1 Radar backscatter cross sections at C and X band during winter (a) Descript 
and summer (b), (Onstott 1992). Symposi 
June 198 

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