Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

the case of the affine-invariant coordinates an af- 
fine mapping becomes apparent in expressions in 
which the determinant of the transformation ma- 
trix T is involved. The invariance of x(7) can 
be shown by an explicit analytical computation 
in the course of which the determinant detT is 
eliminated. A certain problem results from the 
fact that the curve, i.e. the border line of the 
region of interest, is discrete. The affine length 
is not suited for a parameterization of a polygon. 
A simple way out of this problem is to use a sli- 
ding polynomial of degree n that approximates 
the polygon. 
At a first glance the procedure seems to be very 
promising. To evaluate this experimentally the 
affine-invariant curvature of a triangle, a rec- 
tangle and a circle are calculated and plotted in 
figure 3. Picture (a) shows the results derived 
ei N (a) 
= IN 
me Q 
Figure 3: Affine-invariant curvature of a triangu- 
lar, rectangular and circular shaped contour 
from the original figures. In (b) these figures are 
distorted by affine transformation and in (c) noise 
is added. The comparison of the plotted curva- 
tures of (c) with respect to (a) and (b) indica- 
tes the drawback of the procedure. Though only 
small noise is added (compare the drawn figures) 
the affine-invariant curvature changes considera- 
bly. The main reason for this noise sensitivity is 
that second derivatives are involved in the calcu- 
lation. Because of the noise sensitivity this pro- 
cedure in not considered further. 
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