3 T T
e) : : : : : ;
: i : contact : : :
€ a Edere eed wires . o ay r5
£ track : : : : : : track
o : : : : : :
2 service passage : : : :
© ; ; : 1
z05L IT T7
o i E
o : :
B of 7
=] | Li i | i
300 350
i L i
0 50 10 150 200 250
scanning angle B [deg]
3c) Range errors resulting from filtering
1800F oir Une cue een sa crée » =
+ reconstructed range
: - reference range
1700 i i :
0 5 10 15 20 25
scanning angle ß [deg]
3d) Reconstruction of track after filtering
Fig. 3: Range errors depending on filter cut-
off frequency (f, = 130 kHz)
In order to evaluate phase €; and magnitude m; of P; and Q., a
specialized Pythagoras processor is used. Nonlinearities and
offset errors in the analog unit as well as physical effects of
the APD cause deterministic errors with range and intensity
measurements. To compensate these uncertainties, two hard-
ware look-up-tables (d; = f(d.); Ad; — f(g.)) can be programmed
for each channel independently after calibration.
The resulting range value d (15bit resolution) is generated by
means of a frequency-selective combination of phase shifts @,
and @, of both channels. Absolute measurements within an
ambiguity interval of d < 15m (LFS: 10 MHz) and high accu-
racy of Ad = 0.457mm (HFS: 80MHz) are achieved. Resulting
grey level g corresponds to the magnitude of the HFS with 12-
bit resolution.
Pixel oriented range data preprocessing, i.e. filtering software,
coordinate transformation, and classification of single pixels
as well as image processing algorithms are implemented on a
transputer network based on seven T805 transputers.
3.2 Deflection system
For surface inspection of railway and highway tunnels, 360°
profile measurement is required. Scanning of 360° profiles is
achieved through the deflection of the emitted laser beam over
a high-speed rotating mirror (Fig. 2). In order to fulfill the de-
mand for gap-less tunnel inspection in combination with a
speed of up to 5 m/s of the carrier vehicle (i.e distance bet-
ween two consequtive profiles is less than 2.5 cm) the rotation
speed of the mirror is controlled to 200 rps.
Table 1 gives a survey of currently achieved system parame-
Resulting spiral profiles of the tunnel profile scanner are com-
bined with respect to the actual sensor position. The final
range image reflects geometric dimensions of the tunnel tube
whereas the grey level image is used for visual inspection, sur-
face classification, and documentation purposes.
Laser head
IR semiconductor laser diode (A = 810 nm)
Hybrid APD photosensor
Emitted laser power: 4.5 mW
High frequency unit
Two-frequency phase-shift method
Modulation frequencies: 10/80 MHz
Signal processing unit
Reflectance (Pp/Pp): 2% ... 99%
Depth of field: 0 -...15 m
Accuracy of range data: up to 0.45 mm
Sampling rate: 500 kHz
Scanner system
Beam deflection through rotating mirror
Field of view: 360° profiles
Spatial resolution: 2500 pixel/profile
Profile imaging rate: 200 profile/s
Tab.1: System parameters
In this section we describe a series of experiments designed to
measure accuracy of the laser range scanner under different
conditions and to compare it with the predicted theoretical
values. Following Besl [4], accuracy, the difference between
measured range and true range, and precision, the variation of
measured range to a given target, are distinguished.
We conduct experiments within structured test scenes by
means of special test objects with standardized reflectances R
(R € [2%, 5%, 20%, 50%, 75%, 99%]) in our laboratory. The
area has both natural illumination that enters through win-
dows, and artificial illumination generated by lamps mounted
on the ceiling. These lamps will be referred to as spotlights be-
cause they are powerful and somewhat directional.
4.1 Accuracy
To determine the accuracy of the range measurements is to
identify the deviation between measured range and true range.
For a targe
the scanne
gin of the
system. Ur
r, but nonl
in the anal
lighting co
, range error (true range - measured range) [mm]
Fig. 4: Sen.
To determin
of targets w
the ambigu:
at known d
i.e. normal
ple of j z:]
= max (ci
range r are
tables d, 0/8
accuracy wi
resulting rai
flectance of
Range drift
To measure
90°, R = SC
range data i
ting effects
quency unit
the first 10 1
drift (Ad <
other laser i
shows good
For characte;
variation of
bient lightin
ce from the :
target, and ai
each of thes