osented in
ved the
he radial
ameters in
the object
to the
of object
e of the
used for
in Tab. 4
ed from
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> mapping
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heck the
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. Table 5
tioned by
nd their
ts to the
the State
zone code
from the
al system.
/stem and
using the
Image Pair Bx [m] By [m] Bz [m] Aw AQ AK
200 2.165 -0.028 -0.442 -0.00836 0.05255 0.01337
201 1.647 -0.098 -0.236 -0.00609 0.03777 0.01800
202 1.853 0.033 -0.136 -0.01108 0.04597 D.01712
203 1.848 0.026 -0.135 -0.01378 0.04619 0.01799
204 1.841 0.017 -0.107 -0.01159 0.04594 0.01777
206 1.865 0.011 -0.159 -0.01069 0.04648 0.01866
208 1.861 0.083 -0.145 -0.01607 0.04674 0.01744
209 1.881 0.043 -0.109 -0.01423 0.05041 0.01844
Tab. 2 The relative orientation parameters are different without
the relative orientation constraints
Number of Sx mm Sy mm Sz mm O mm
Check Points
no ADP 4 1.7 3.2 6.2 6.8
ADP 4 1.6 1.0 3.1 3.7
Tab. 3 Comparison of calibrations with and without additional parameters (ADP)
Object No. of Points Sx [m] Sy [m] Sz [ ml O [ml
30m 5 0.029 0.010 0.115 0.1.19
17m 9 0.010 0.014 0.068 0.070
9m 8 0.005 0.009 0.023 0.025
Tab. 4 Positioning accuracy of the stereo vision system
where the object distance corresponds to the Z coordinate
Points Distance to AX [ m] AY [m] AZ [m]
A 26.5 -0.125 0.109 -0.160
B 10.6 -0.063 -0.406 -0.275
C 19.7 0.000 -0.109 -0.102
D 20.0 -0.187 -0.406 0.037
o 0.117 0.297 0.127
Tab. 5 Global positioning accuracy of the GPSVan and stereo vision system
4. Conclusions
In this paper, we have presented all of the
algorithmic aspects of GPSVan calibration. The
positioning accuracy of the GPSVan is better than
one foot in a global coordinate frame. This meets
the requirements of most engineering
applications. For example, we have finished
projects for railroads, airports and utility
applications. All projects have been completed
successfully and much faster than using
conventional surveying techniques. In the future,
we plan to use dual frequency receivers and an
inertial system to improve the accuracy to
better than 10 cm.