Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

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o the GIS 
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really that of data exchange, or interoperability 
between database management systems. This al- 
ternative view of data interchange problem in GIS 
is the motivating factor behind the development 
of a Federated Spatial Information Management 
System code named Delta-X. 
The current scenario in a GIS application de- 
velopment is that the required data sets are avail- 
able from agencies and institutions that, for op- 
erational reasons and the nature of their organi- 
zational structures, are geographically dispersed. 
Development of value added spatial data sets, by 
different organizations, sometimes are referenced 
to different base maps or to base maps that are 
out of date. The data purchased by users from 
data producing agencies follow a zero-one func- 
tion. For example, in making a request for some 
selected features of a specific map sheet, the user 
must purchase all the information compiled for 
that map sheet and extract the feature relevant to 
his applications. The tendency then is for users to 
avoid the cost of repeated purchases of the same 
digital information. A digitized map sheet is pur- 
chased once and reused over a long period even 
when the data is out of date. The different rates 
in which different organizations compile, and re- 
vise their data sometimes force organization that 
are very dynamic to collect the spatial data they 
require themselves instead of waiting for a copy 
from the authoritative source that may be very 
slow paced in its operations. The result is the 
proliferation of inconsistent replicas of the same 
digital information at different precision and ac- 
Granting that GIS software is highly dependent 
on the underlying databases, it appears then that 
some of these problems can be easily resolved by 
providing an integrated but selective access using 
a distributed database solution. Unfortunately, 
the scope of the problem is still beyond that ad- 
dressed by a distributed database management 
system [3, 4, 13]. Rather, a multi-database sys- 
tem [3, 13, 17], has the potential of resolving a 
greater proportion of the problems. Some prob- 
lems not easily addressed include: 
Issues of Legacy Data: It should be recog- 
nized that the compilation of most GIS data 
predates the development of database tech- 
nology. As a result, large volumes of data- 
sets are currently not maintained with any 
DBMS. They are maintained simply as large 
sequential files on reels of tapes. 
Underlying Data Models of DBMS: 
Even if all the data can be managed us- 
ing database technology the databases have 
independent custodians and as such, have 
underlying database management systems 
(DBMS) that are based on different data 
models: relational, network, and object- 
Cost of Adopting a DBMS: The volume 
of these data-sets requires a major financial 
commitment and undertaking to restructure 
them using DBMSs. Only a small percent- 
age of the data can often be feasibly made 
available on-line. In some cases the rate of 
data capture is so high that the responsible 
agencies have no chance of ever restructuring 
the already existing data. 
Data in the Past: Most database manage- 
ment systems operate with very little sup- 
port for the time dimension. Unlike the 
corporate databases, e.g., personnel records, 
GIS users sometimes still require access to 
both past and current data to model and 
predict situations in the future. Efficient ac- 
cess to temporal databases requires support 
from the underlying DBMS. Most commer- 
cial DBMSs do not adequately support tem- 
poral queries. 
The issues raised above suggest then that a so- 
lution to most of these problems requires the de- 
velopment of a spatial multi-database that pro- 
vides efficient access to both legacy and temporal 
databases [21]. Strategy for interoperability in a 
network of database management systems, that 
use the same underlying relational data model, 
has only recently been addressed [8, 10, 5]. The 
question of heterogeneous database interoperabil- 
ity is still an active area of research [1, 13, 16]. In 
the mean time, there is a large number of opera- 
tional GISs being used in different circumstances 
and in different applications. How can the con- 
tents of these multi-databases, be accessible from 
different Geographic Information Systems? 
The Federated Spatial Information Manage- 
ment System (FSIM) attempts to address this 
question in a consistent and coherent manner. 
Basically, it is a multi-database system with 
a common integrated global conceptual schema 

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