id not the
d, into the
reely regis-
ined by the
d in a GIS,
intain and
r example,
rector data
ler may be
ote sensed
, geological
'erver node
luring data
ver will be
| number of
er must be
» workload.
omputer, a
of worksta-
buted com-
ine (PVM)
ailability of
ions of the
rations. An
Server is to
j| their pro-
allel virtual
tion that is
th PEX ex-
he DxClient
indow’s en-
rkstation is
nd as such,
t needed. A
ne DxServer
.ccess either
:e of the Dx-
de or by ex-
1mon global
(DAL). The
is the sim-
plest. This will normally be the mode for public
usage [14].
Using this mode of interaction, a client in-
terrogates its default server for the collection of
databases available. This collection consists of
the databases globally available and accessible to
the user and those residing in the local database
of the client’s server. The client may request that
some data be retrieved and made GIS ready in
the client’s environment. This is done by simply
specifying the source data set name, the required
features and the destination of the data.
For example, from a set of vector formatted
map sheets, a user may request only specific fea-
tures of a particular map sheet. The result of
such a request is the digital vector data of the
same map sheet that is topologically structured
and restricted only to the selected features. The
unit of data access is a collection of selected fea-
tures from a specific data set.
The DzServer to which a client is currently
connected may not necessarily execute the service
requested by the client. The transaction may be
forwarded to the appropriate DzServer with the
result forwarded directly to the client.
Advanced users may utilize a lower level query
facility in which the data access is done by spec-
ifying a query in the common data access lan-
guage (DxDAL). The common data access lan-
guage in the current implementation is a mod-
ified SQL for multi-database access (MSQL). A
user in a DxClient environment, has access to
the DxDIS database and the local database di-
rectories or catalogues. A query is expressed
in MSQL with reference to a global table as
“database_name @server_name.tablename”. Ac-
cess using the GUI is still executed indirectly by
the underlying MSQL.
In its simplest form, a query in MSQL is issued
from a client to the connected DzServer. This is
then analyzed and decomposed into subqueries
that are destined to the respective LDBMS hold-
ing the data repositories referenced in the sub-
queries. A DxzServer agent of the receiving
LDBMS, translates its subquery into the specific
local database query. This is then passed on to
the local DBMS for execution. The results of the
respective subquery execution are then passed to
the coordinator (the server originating the query
on the client’s behalf) who then assembles the re-
sult for the requesting client. All remote queries
are executed as read-only transacions. Updates
to database are carried out only at the local
database management system. This is not a lim-
itation but the desired mode of operation since
the autonomy and independence of the DzServers
must be respected.
Since remote client requests are read-only, dis-
tributed two-phase commit is not an issue in the
model of distributed access. Remote queries that
arrive at a local node is transformed to a lo-
cal tranasction that is excuted concurrently with
other local transactions. Hence a simple time-
out mechanism is sufficient to coordinate multi-
databse transactions and maintain database con-
4 Common Spatial Data Model
4.1 The Delta-X Approach
Essential to the mode of operation is a com-
mon data representational scheme. This is de-
fined in Delta-X by the common global concep-
tual data model. Consider the problem of provid-
ing topologically structured vector data to dif-
ferent GIS clients. Delta-X maintains a com-
mon global database scheme which may or not
be adopted by any inndividual GIS as its repre-
sentational data model. This is the conceptual
data model into which other GIS internal rep-
resentations can be mapped without information
loss. The Delta-X spatial data model, for vector
data in this case, maintains up to degree degree
four topology. This global scheme is considererd
to be virtual since no explicit global data repre-
sentation exists other than the database of the
directory information service.
This global conceptual scheme forms the in-
termediate transition schemes for data exchange
between different GISs. The global conceptual
data model has a mapping onto either a relational
database, as a collection of relational tables, or
into an object-base as a colony of categories. A
DzServer maintains the vector data in a rela-
tional database if the underlying database man-
agement system is relational, e.g., Ingres, Oracle,
Informix, etc. Similarly, the DzServer retains the
data in a set of equivalent category classes in an
object oriented database, if the underlying DBMS
is object-oriented, e.g., ODE, ObjectStore, Ob-
jectivity. The significant idea is that DzServer