Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

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with other 
d studies. 
These have and will continue to only 
strengthen the position of 
photogrammetric and remotely sensed 
data by forging greater alliances and 
markets for future data and expanded 
It has also become apparent that each 
improvement in using data in a system, 
invariably leads to an improvement in 
efficiency, especially those related to 
human and financial resources. While it 
can be argued that efficiency is not always 
achieved and not always in a cost efficient 
manner, it is a paramount consideration 
for the future, in terms of both data 
volumes and availability. Increases in 
operating and production costs are initial, 
and will lead to greater long run 
reductions in cost and improvements in 
efficiency. However, the balance of this 
reasoning is threatened by the absence of 
marked international standards. 
Standards for data, both source formats 
and outputs, and systems. This is a 
concern which needs attention and should 
be approached within a structured 
framework, as the ISPRS. 
June 4 - 5, 1994 - a wide range of tutorials 
and workshops are scheduled in advance 
of Commission II's Symposium opening. 
These workshops will be half or full day 
in length and cover many topics. At 
present, 12 different workshops are 
planned, some involving hands-on 
training others in a presentation style. 
Among various others, a sample of titles 
" Putting Remote Sensing Imagery through 
its Paces: Data input, Analysis, Map Output, 
and use in a GIS" 
"GPS for Photogrammetry and Aerial 
"Automatic Vehicle Location/Navigation/ 
Guidance Systems (AVLNG)" 
"Terrain Mapping Using Synthetic Aperture 
"Mobile Data Collection for GIS” 
June 6 - 10, 1994, Commission II mid-year 
Technical Symposium in Ottawa, Canada. 
A full technical program of paper, poster 
and plenary sessions will highlight the 
research activities of Commission II. 
A large and exciting Exhibitors area of 
over 60 booths was organized for 
Commission II's Symposium. The exhibit 
area is shared with the Sixth Annual 
Canadian Conference on GIS, and will 
provide the opportunity to view and 
access the most advanced technology and 
private sector research developments. A 
forum to provide presentations on 
technology is also scheduled. 
A strong and dynamic accompanying 
persons program for Commission II's 
Symposium has also been planned. 
Included among these activities are tours 
of the city, visits to National museums, 
social cocktail parties and evenings of fine 
dining. A spectacular awards banquet 
has also been planned. 
The June, 1994 Commission II Symposium 
also presents an opportunity for an ISPRS 
Commission II Executive meeting, which 
is scheduled for Wednesday, June 8 from 
3:00 - 5:00 with ISPRS Council members 

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