Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

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Workshop Planning - It was announced 
that the planned Fall workshop would be 
pushed into winter (Nov/Dec) due to 
time constraints. The original plan was to 
hold the workshop in Atlanta, Georgia, 
USA, however the floor was opened for 
other suggestions. James Johnston of U.S. 
Fish & Wildlife suggested that it be held 
in conjunction with the ERIM meeting 
scheduled in January of 1994. Mr. 
Johnston also agreed to help with the 
organization on that end. 
Developing Nations Funding - The 
discussion of the workshop prompted a 
discussion of how members from 
developing nations could contribute 
considering the shortage of resources 
there (in particular, travel funds). The 
possibility of further participation 
through the use of e-mail and internet 
connection. It was agreed that this was, 
indeed, a possibility but there were still a 
number of countries that did not have 
internet connection. The possibility of 
obtaining funding from other, outside 
sources such as GTZ, UNESCO and other 
foreign aid agencies. Jeff Star (UCSB) 
volunteered to work with Dr. Ehlers on 
pursuing channels open to them. 
Newsletters sent during 1993 - Three 
informational newsletters were sent to 
working group members over the course 
of the year. These mailings included 
information on upcoming Commission II 
events as well as WG II/2 events. The 
working group members were also 
provided information about the structure 
of the ISPRS Commissions and the names 
and contact persons for all of the 
Commission II Working Groups. All 
newsletters contained an updated 
member list. Whenever possible, the 
newsletters were sent via electronic mail. 
Workshop Planning  - Completed 
planning for and organization of 
upcoming WG II/2 workshop in New 
Orleans, Louisiana (see below in news). 
Successfully raised sufficient funding to 
provide travel support for five presenters 
from developing and Eastern European 
Working Group II/2 News 
* Workshop on the "Requirements for 
Integrated Geographic Information 
Systems (IGIS)" will be held in 
conjunction with the ERA Second 
Thematic Conference: Remote Sensing for 
Marine and Coastal Environments in 
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA (2—3 
February 1994). 
* Working Group meeting to be held at 
the Commission II Symposium in 
Ottawa, Canada (June, 1994). 
WG II/3 - "Technologies for Handling 
Large Volumes of Spatial Data" 
by Chairman: | Dr. Ekow Otoo (Canada) 
Co-Chairman: Terry Fisher (Canada) 
Secretary: Cherian Chaly (Canada) 
WG Members: 16 
Terms of Reference 
* raster data formats composition and 
* vector data format and topological 
spatial data models 
database management systems for 
spatial data in a heterogeneous 
high volume storage media 
high performance I/O subsystems 
ISO 9000 and its interaction 
spatial data infrastructure 
Accomplishments of Working Group II/3 
During the past year, the working group 
sought and encouraged the participation 
of its members. Their interests have given 
way to a diversity of activities for the 

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