Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

2 environment. 
nology industry 
Net approaches 
livery systems 
This program 
an industry to 
role in the 
y derived from 
ogram and its 
inadian Space 
tre for Remote 
nt of Fisheries 
are funding a 
nd commercial 
. The contract 
/as awarded to 
npanies led by 
Data Systems 
MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates of 
Richmond, B.C., in February 1994. 
This Study will be completed in October 
1994. Development of subsequent 
phases of CEONet is dependent on the 
approval of this program in the 
Canadian Long Term Space Plan. 
CEONet will increase and accelerate the 
use of Earth Observation data and the 
integration of space remote sensing in 
operational resource and environment 
management programs. At the same 
time Canadian industry will gain the 
ability to generate new knowledge- 
based products and services for the 
more globally-interdependent economy 
of the 1990s. 
Noetix and Roger Buxton Associates, 
1993, "Preparatory Study for CEOnet - 
Phase 1." 
Noetix, 1993, " Preparatory Study for 
CEOnet - Phase 2." 
Long. Term Space. Plan 
Interagency/Industrial Working Group 
1992a, " Earth Observation Needs and 
Clients Subcommittee Report." 
Long Term Space Plan 
Interagency/Industrial Working Group, 
1992b, "Earth Observation Working 
Group Data Management Report." 

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