nd salinity. In this case
ble to provide a software
imically linked into the
| completely specialized
fic service/provider.
y, objects resulting from
able of initiating further
e a search of an image
| results object which
natching the query and a
would enable a user to
> service and review the
of the inventory records.
t described here offers
ne future development of
providers have complete
/ish to organize data into
IS provided type services
ecide to create their own
ch and retrieval service
to replace all data types
1anagement system (and
research projects and
' object databases are in
1e lifetime of the global
Rowe, 1986; Haas et al.,
he inclusion of legacy
ite is only required to
iishes to support in the
| minimum set of services
mple, a site may only be
insfer, but would still be
1 open ended approach to
ieval. Searches can be
rsite search service, local
the level of the data type
| be negotiated among
e protocols themselves.
n of results of ongoing
and schema translation,
uages might be adaptable
Jille and Miller, 1993;
iture search engines may
telligent searching using
arth science community,
ertise "knowledge" about
xes (Smith et al., 1989).
no principal distinction
science metadata (e.g.,
ween metadata and data.
1 GCDIS and UserDIS
ns may very well have
s. The widely differing
s also will likely lead to
index, what is data, and
onable time. Despite this
hat searches on multiple
be compared effectively
by the user, and thus the query process will include
mechanisms to ensure that the user receives the required form
of result. The architectural approach shown facilitates the
introduction of more powerful search strategies in the future
(Hellerstein and Stonebraker, 1993; Haas, 1989).
Finally, the concept described above will encourage
evolutionary and independent development of system
components. By adopting a fully distributed architecture for
all components and not mandating the details of the client
interface and service implementations, the entire user and
development community can participate in the development
of components in each of the three layers. For example,
computer science research may lead to the development of an
improved intersite search agent. Users can then choose
whether the new agent provides a ‘better’ service. If it does
then, over time, it will make other agents obsolete.
Moreover by establishing a conceptual framework which can
accommodate the variability of the earth science discipline
which can guide rather than constrain development of
components, hopefully minimizing the ‘not invented here’
syndrome, it will encourage the development of components
and support utilities (e.g. APIs) by the entire community.
Although the architectural concept seeks to strike a proper
balance between the users' demand for decentralized
capabilities and autonomy on one side, and complete
anarchy on the other, a network of the type proposed for
GCDIS / UserDIS poses significant issues in several system
quality areas. For example, the accuracy of search results
suffers as incompatibilities among the vocabularies and
terms employed by different data providers increases. In an
unmanaged network, there can be no expectations regarding
service reliability, availability and response time. For
example, some sites may respond to a search within seconds
or minutes, others may not respond for days because the data
provider experiences hardware problems.
The solutions to these types of problems are outside the
scope of an architecture. They depend on the cooperation of
service providers which, in a network like UserDIS, is
voluntary. However, the architecture can include measures to
facilitate the solutions. For example, EOSDIS will not make
a reliable network, in which all sites are always available, a
precondition for successful operation. The services will
provide feedback which lets users judge the quality of a
response (if they so desire). The. architecture will provide
mechanisms for characterizing situations where standards or
conventions exist and are being followed.
As described above there are several areas where the
computer science community could contribute solutions to
the GCDIS and UserDIS challenges. In each area EOSDIS
will need to pick specific technical approaches which are
compatible with its implementation time frame, while
encouraging the computer science community to seek
improved solutions which can replace the baseline approach
in the future.
The GCDIS / UserDIS concept describes a radical departure
from the traditional model of data system. By taking this
concept into consideration in its development of EOSDIS,
NASA will provide some components of a system in which
an open interoperability standard can be used to acquire or
provide data and services, enabling an information system
to be developed that will operate more as a marketplace with
positive competition than as a monolithic, monopoly that
focuses on production and storage of data.
Such an information system should encourage evolutionary
and independent development within a single framework on
an inter-agency and international scale. Indeed its success
depends on this complementary development. It should also
provide more flexibility for accommodation of new user
needs and taking advantage of emerging technological
developments. Finally, it provides more flexibility to
respond to the inevitable change in distribution,
prioritization and funding policies over such a long-term
undertaking as an earth science information system.
This work was undertaken as part of Hughes Applied
Information Systems contract to NASA for the EOSDIS Core
System Project (contract NAS5-6000). Important
recommendations which led to the approach described in the
paper were received from the National Research Council's
review of the EOSDIS plans.
Asrar, G. and D. J., Dokken, 1993. EOS Reference
Handbook, NASA, March 1993.
Haas, L.M., Freytag, J.C., Lohman, G.M., and P. Pirahesh,
1989. "Extensible Query Processing in Starburst,"
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD'89, June 1989.
Haas, L.M. et al., 1990. "Starburst Mid Flight: As the Dust
Clears," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data
Engineering, March 1990.
Hellerstein, J.M. and M. Stonebraker, 1993. "Predicate
Migration: Optimizing Queries with Expensive Predicates",
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD '93, June 1993.
Lamb, C., Landis G., Orenstein J., and D. Weinreb, 1991.
"The ObjectStore database system," Communications of the
ACM, Vol 34, Number 10, October 1991.
Morrissey, J.M., 1990. "Imprecise Information and
Uncertainty in Information Systems," ACM Transactions on
Information Systems, Vol 8, No 2, April 1990.
NASA, 1994a. GCDIS/UserDIS Study, EOSDIS Core System
Project, in preparation.
NASA, 1994b. ECS Science Information Architecture,
Working Paper FB9401V2, March 1994.
Ordille, J., and B. Miller, 1993. "Database Challenges in
Global Information Systems," Proceeedings of the ACM
SIGMOD'93, June 1993.
Smith, P.J., Shute, S.J., and D. Galdes, 1989. "Knowledge-
Based Search Tactics for an Intelligent Intermediary
System," ACM Transactions on Information Systems, Vol
7, No 3, July 1989.
Stonebraker, M. and L. Rowe, 1986; Stonebraker, L. Rowe,
"The Design of Postgres", Proceedings of the ACM
SIGMOD'86, June 1986.