| Navigator
Keyboard, Color
Track Ball Display
Ship-Borne Computer
Rate Gyro Determination
of Position Control
Speed-Log.: #77 a Nan aitu À dal caen ave 05
oi bu n soit
| Electronic ! ! Traffic ! ! Dynamic !
GPS- I Chart | ! "Rules ^|. T ! Models |
Receiver bci TOWN COCA LORS
Figure 1: Configuration of the integrated navigation system
imum speed. A /aser scanner will be used to enable
automatic entering into locks and navigation in very
narrow canals. The accuracy obtainable with a stan-
dard radar is not sufficient for this purpose. Among
the non-imaging sensors, the gyroscope gives a mea-
surement for the heading angle respectively for the
turning rate of the vessel. The speed-log renders
measurements of the speed over ground or relative
to the water. The main output of the GPS-receiver
consists of positional coordinates, based on an abso-
lute coordinate system. It can also supply the speed
over ground.
On the right side of figure 1, the actuators are
shown. During an automatic cruise, the computer
can control the engine throttle and the rudder of the
In the center of the figure, the navigation system is
represented with all its tasks in the ship-borne com-
puter. The computing hardware is a standard DEC-
MicroVAX under the VAXELN real-time operating sys-
tem. The first task, symbolized by an ellipse, is the
determination of the position of the vessel. For this
purpose, all the signals of the various sensors are
combined in order to obtain the position and heading
of the vessel. The matching of the radar image to
the electronic chart, as explained in section 4, is a
peculiar feature of this system.
The radar image is also utilized for the determina-
tion of the traffic situation. The trajectories of other
vessels are tracked over sequences of radar images.
Principally, every echo in the radar image located
in the waterway can stem from a foreign vessel. A
multiple-target tracking algorithm results in estimates
for the position, speed and heading of these vessels.
The results of the determination of the position and
the traffic situation are fed into the third task of the
navigation system, the guidance of the vessel. The
trajectory planned for the vessel is input to the control
task. This task acts on the rudder and engine throttle
of the vessel.
The integrated navigation system is supervised by
the human navigator of the vessel. The results of the
different tasks are presented on a color display. The
navigator can interact with the system by means of a
track ball and a keyboard, supplementing or overrid-
ing the results of the guidance task.
A major resource for all the tasks of the integrated
navigation systemis the a-priori knowledge deposited
in knowledge bases within the computer. These
knowledge bases are displayed as dashed boxes in
figure 1. They consist of a database for the electronic
chart, traffic rules and dynamic models for the own
craft and for other vessels. The knowledge bases
contain most of the information the navigator himself
has to possess for navigation purposes. For exam-
ple, the electronic chart supplies the route knowledge
to the navit
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