Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

h b; 
À - 
À o 
incluent RE mm A L 
a; contour of a 
sod A / d; chart object | 
- : "i a; 
enu NI IE Lt : 
Ti ; Radar echo 
Sp; +* A | ; > E 
: Si : | 
| | 7 
Sr; ky. 
Figure 3: Geometric properties for matching [ 
described by a weighting factor h; in equation (7). With: 
So each measurement r;, p; is weighted by a matrix Figure 4: 
given in the specific (£;,n;)-system by the equation: image 
- i SO 
2, gi — 202 Sin (a; (Pi Vi) 
= A vas | | 
Weim: =. hu [E | Am | | A& Am 1] 4128 cos? (o; — p; — y). (9) distance 
1 à or is shown. 
= hi | 0 d | (7) With vectorial weighting the corrections for the ini- iE de 
oF tial position and heading can be computed as: the rhaick 
Furthermore the distance vectors contain informa- around th 
tion depending on their direction. As described, they À 30 
4 Y * ol T T G - CO 
are perpendicular to the chart contours and represent ASR = [M WM] M Wd (10) tions. It i 
a distance information in this specific direction. As Wi 0 transvers 
most of the chart objects are oriented along the water- With. NV. : tudinal dir 
way, most distance vectors are oriented transversal to 0 : 
the waterway. Thus there is only little information for Wa 
matching in the longitudinal direction. The available hesrosultwot>maichntewadar imageanchiéles 4.2 Mat 
information can be exploited appropriately, when the tronie* chérteisythe ns en Ast 9c the initial cha 
measurements are weighted vectorially. The weight- de : R 
ina maux AN. is transforned-inio ihe Cartesian position and heading and the covariance matrix The mat 
(a;,b;)-system. This system is oriented along the con- Cn = [M ] as a measure of the accuracy p ides 
tour of the chart object. For matching, only the com-  O9btained by the matching process. eading « 
ponent in the b;-direction is relevant. The weight in To illustrate the matching of radar echos and chart basic req 
the a;-direction is set to zero, as there is no informa- ~~ contours two radar images are given in figure 4 and 5. ours isto 
tion available. After a further transformation into the The own ship is displayed in the lower middle of the in the ra 
global coordinate system, the weighting matrix of a  'Mages as a small ship symbol. The grey areas are With alm 
measurement is given by: the radar echos acquired by the computer. The tick stream lik 
marks at the frame are 100 m apart. These images level can 
were recorded on the river Rhine near Mannheim. Duisburg 
Wo | Wn: wi; | The electronic chart is superposed to the radar im- river bani 
Via; 22, ages. In figure 4 the distance vectors are also plotted. visible. 
5 gi Sin? a; gi sina; cos a; (8) In this figure the initial values of the matching process the river, 
= gi Sino; COS o; gi COS? ai have been changed manually to generate significant with rade 

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