Support for Global Data Management within CEO
Gunter Schreier
CEO Team, Institute for Remote Sensing Applications
Joint Research Centre
European Commission
The European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Commission (EC) have agreed to combine
their expertise with that of their Member States to establish a co-ordinated, decentralised European
Earth observation network to increase the use and the value of Earth observation data.
The general objectives of this network is (1) to improve the ability to monitor and understand the
Earth System on local, regional and global scale, (2) to enable the European Union (EU), the Member
States, including those of the European Economic Area (EEA), and ESA to implement their own
policies more efficiently, and (3) to enable European industry to be more robust in European markets
and more competitive on the world markets.
The EU contribution is the Centre for Earth Observation (CEO).
The CEO complements developments elsewhere in the world. In the United States of America (USA)
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have begun to develop and implement a
Data and Information System (EOSDIS) for its planned Earth Observing System. Japan has
proposed an international Earth Observation Information System (EOIS) for its Advanced Earth
Observation Satellite (ADEOS).
ESA will address that part of the data management linked to the satellites and the ground segment
services while the EC will address those aspects of the EEOS system related to the use of the data and
the stimulation of the productivity of the users. In this way the CEO will interface with data suppliers
on the one hand and users on the other. Some users are expected to make accessible through the CEO
ancillary thematic data and other important ground data.
The CEO shall be designed so that it may evolve and adapt flexibly to future needs of the users and to
changes in data sources. The CEO shall be designed to promote the application of Earth observation
in the by:
* encouraging communication and exchange of services between individual users and between user
communities, including those in global change;
* stimulating the creation of high-level products, with special attention paid to global data sets;
* promoting improved data standardisation and quality assurance;
* co-ordinating the design and operation of existing and future decentralised data archives and data
bases, and data delivery services;
* improving the visibility of Earth observation data, services and expertise.
The goal is to design and implement the first phase of the CEO by the end of the Fourth Framework
Programme in 1998. Operation and evolutionary development of the CEO is planned to continue
beyond 1998.
With respect to global data bases and global change management, CEO would closely cooperate with
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