Full text: Proceedings of the Workshop on Mapping and Environmental Applications of GIS Data

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d that good 
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Alur taluk is 
e 49% more 
able). While 
ass - suitable, 
less and least 
e map was 
observed that 
e in suitability 
ause there is a 
e current land 
lity and the 
isses are given 
suitability map 
observed and 
1 is suggested 
odies, barren 
re classified as 
uitability map 
d by fractures 
valleys being 
8.09% of the 
falls under 
wasteland categories such as upland (44% 
of total wasteland area), deciduous & 
scrub/degraded forest (39%), degraded land 
under plantation crops (10%), barren rock 
(2%), degraded pasture/grazing land (2%). 
Out of which except barren rock, all are 
cultivable wastelands. Suitability of these 
wastelands with respect to ground water, 
soil, slope, lineament in the area were 
assessed. It is observed that majority of 
wastelands are suitable to more suitable for 
cultivation (Table-4). 
o This study shows that GIS is powerful 
tool for integrating various thematic 
and other collateral information. 
o The land suitability map shows that 
majority of the area is suitable for 
cultivation of crops in Alur taluk. The 
current land use is in conformity with 
the land suitability. 
o Nearly 18% of the total area which is 
currently wasteland can be brought 
under cultivation, as majority of the 
area is suitable for cultivation. 
o The suitability layers generated by both 
cumulative and multiplicative methods 
show that there is no significant change 
in the suitability classes. Hence any 
one of the methods can be adopted. 
Authors are thankful to Shri K 
Radhakrishnan, Director, NNRMS-RRSSC, 
Shri S Adiga, Head, Regional Remote 
Sensing Service Centre (RRSSC), 
Bangalore and scientists of RRSSC for 
providing necessary system support and 
suggestions. Authors are also thankful to 
Dr. J Krishnamurthy, Scientist, NNRMS 
for his valuable suggestions. ^ Valuable 
comments/suggestions given by Scientists / 
Engineers of National Natural Resources 
Management System Secretariat, Regional 
Remote Sensing Service Centre - Central 
Management Office, Bangalore and Space 
Applications Centre, Ahmedabab have 
helped in improving the work. Secretarial 
assistance provided by Ms. B Rajamani is 
highly appreciated. 
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