Full text: Proceedings of the Workshop on Mapping and Environmental Applications of GIS Data

complicated one in aspect of error propagation 
as passing through two object spaces. 
2.1 Relative orientation 
The relative orientation aim is to deter- 
mine a relative spatial position between two 
adjacent photographs so that each homologous 
pair of rays from the two photographs will in- 
tersect in space. The mathematical model ex- 
presses this condition (which is known as the 
coplanarity condition) is based on a equation of 
the kind of (À x B)-C - 0, which is satisfied 
by the determinant: 
pP Tr 
Wo v Wwi-0 
u, v, VW; 
u X 
v|-2 R(K,9,0)| Y 
W f 
x, y - Photograph coordinates 
f- Principal distance 
P- Vector between the perspective center 
R- Rotation matrix 
The transformation parameters are solved by a 
least squares adjustment of observation equa- 
tions, based on the mathematical model. The 
adjustment provides the computed parameters 
variance-covariance matrix, that is given by: 
Ya "N? 
y! *y 
N-4 4 gie 
The solved parameters, enables a trans- 
formation of the photograph coordinates to the 
stereo-model reference coordinate system. 
2.2 The stereo-model reference coordinate 
The stereo-model (model) reference co- 
ordinate system functions as a mediate object 
space between the photograph reference coor- 
dinate system and the ground reference coordi- 
nate system. Coordinates in the model refer- 
ence coordinate system are computed by apply- 
ing the relative orientation transformation on 
the measured image coordinates. The relative 
orientation transformation errors produce er- 
rors to the model coordinates, that are evalu- 
ated by using error propagation technique 
which is expressed as: 
Si IS 
>, - Variance covariance of the source object 
Y «- Variance covariance of the target object 
F,- The transformation matrix between the 
two object spaces 
The model coordinates are computed by the 
collinear rule which, by using rotation angles as 
transformation parameters, is illustrated as: 
Fig. 1. The stereo-model scheme 
The model coordinates are computed by: 
Zm-b*w*w"/(w"*u'-u"* w) 
Xm 7 Zm * u'/ w' 
Ym 7 Zm * (v/w' + v"/w")/2 
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2.3 Absolu 
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