Full text: Proceedings of the Workshop on Mapping and Environmental Applications of GIS Data

previously). The 
altimetric plane, 
efers to the plani- 
| of altimetric SD 
is done by relying 
). A function that 
stric plane to the 
y the interpolation 
n”/ A” position” is 
SD to a planimet- 
> gradient for each 
es are generated. 
rances is done by 
5 illustrates those 
| SD buffers 
The generated buffers are not uniform in shape 
or characteristics. A comparison to buffers that 
would have been generated by direct photo- 
grammetric contours extraction, where buffers 
would have follow parallelly the contours, em- 
phasizes this aspect. Figures 5,6 illustrate the 
relief shape effect on the buffers characteristics. 
Figure 6a represents a window that was ex- 
tracted from Figure 5, where the terrain is 
characterized by a sharp slope. The buffers 
edges are parallel and relatively close to the 
contours path. Those characteristics are ex- 
plained by: the sharp slope that turns large dif- 
ferences in elevation to small differences in 
position, and the negligible effect of slope 
variation explain the edges parallel shape. Fig- 
ure 6b represents ,on the contrary, a window 
where the terrain is characterized by a low 
slope. The buffers in this case are wider than 
those of figure 6a and their edges are more 
sensitive to slope variation. The shape varia- 
tion's effect is well demonstrated by the curve 
that occurs on the left contour that is vanish in 
buffer shape. 
A method to evaluate accuracy of objects 
and spatial applications was presented. The 
method that is based on error propagation 
techniques enables the precise determination of 
standard deviation of elements collected pho- 
togrammetrically. Although its mathematical 
complexity, the method can be easily imple- 
mented within GIS databases and might help 
the precise evaluation of spatial data and spatial 
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accuracy of digital terrain model surfaces line- 
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Zhilin Li, 1993. Theoretical models of the ac- 
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