Full text: Proceedings of the Workshop on Mapping and Environmental Applications of GIS Data

continuing work on GIS and remote sensing, 
ecotourism, or other conservation tasks related to the 
APA. The second author in the study has begun 
refining the land cover classification as part of his 
doctoral thesis, and the principal technician in the 
study is planning to develop a digital elevation 
model for the region as his masters thesis project. 
The ultimate impact of this project on the 
protection of the Atlantic Forest will take years to 
evaluate, but initial signs are encouraging. Certainly 
we must hope so, with the pressing difficulties of all 
inhabitants of the region. 
The work described above was funded by a 
grant from the International Forestry Program of the 
USDA Forest Service. However, it would not have 
been possible without the enthusiastic assistance of 
many individuals. Luiz Viveiros of UFPR performed 
much of the final classification work and map 
production for the project. Geraldo Mosiman da 
Silva of SPVS brought his considerable knowledge 
of the APA to both field and lab work. Wayne 
Hensche and Karen Evens of the Superior National 
Forest generously offered their time and cheerful 
expertise in surveying and GPS, as did Professor 
Milton Azevedo do Campos (UFPR). Carolina Portes 
and Augusto Svolenski formed our primary field 
crew through mosquitos and flood, aided by Ricardo 
Miranda and Geraldo of SPVS. Thanks are also due 
to Oduvaldo Bessa (IPARDES), David Wear (US 
Forest Service), and all the individuals at CIEG for 
their assistance throughout the project. 
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