Full text: Proceedings of the Workshop on Mapping and Environmental Applications of GIS Data

ure 2 is shown 
id the shortest 
in be seen that 
ie nesting area 
st river stream, 
X f 1.5km, and 
ipanese Crane 
nin a radius of 
d from the 
| the Kushiro 
1ed out to find 
e 3 shows the 
at an elevation 
distance from 
n 250m of the 
an 1.5km from 
id an analysis 
> ecology were 
1 land cover 
dary satellite 
National Park, 
ved in regions 
re lax. 
ym the nesting 
“rane, nests are 
eas and within 
1 that provides 
, the territorial 
was calculated 
otential nesting 
region was found to be limited. 
The following two issues remain to be dealt 
i) Improvement of the precision of the land 
cover classification Figures for changes in the 
wetland surface that include erroneous 
classification, even if they appeared in the 
classification image, were unavoidable. In order 
to investigate the effects of park development 
regulations, it is necessary to improve the 
accuracy of the classification method. 
11) Increase the favorable/unfavorable factors 
considered in the biotope 
Indepth environmental surveys carried out with 
consistent precision are few. In order to promote 
landscape analysis and the determination of 
biotopes, it is necessary to make more readily 
available relevant surveys, reports and numerical 
The authors would like to express their thanks to 
the Eastem Hokkaido National Parks Wildlife 
Office of the Environment Agency, without its 
support and assistance, especially in the 
gathering of resource material and field surveys, 
this study would not have been possible. 
[1] Takeuchi, K., "Regional Ecology," Asakura 
Shoten, 1991. 
[2] Hara, K.. Kanei, Y., "Onaridai Gakuen: 
Ecological Analysis of the regions surrounding 
City Developments, Basic Study of the Effects 
of Developing Regions on the Surrounding 
Environment," Ed. Numata, S., Environmental 
Dept., Chiba Prefectural Office. 1992. 
[3] Maeda Ippoen Institute, "Research into the 
Establishment of Monitoring Methods for the 
Preservation of Wetlands," 1993. 
3). 38:58 8] 17 RX hE 8 
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( MS S) 1991.11.91 
Figure 1. Location Map of the National Park 

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