Full text: From pixels to sequences

Bruno Crippa, Eva Savina Malinverni, Luigi Mussio 
DIIAR. Politecnico di Milano, P.zza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano (Italy). 
Phone: ++39.2.23996501, Fax: ++39 2.23996530, e-mail: Bruno@ipmtf2.topo.polimi.it 
KEY WORDS: Deformation Monitoring, Dynamic Modelling, Scene Analysis. 
A statistical and numerical procedure on dynamic modelling of scene deformation is presented and applied to crustal movement 
monitoring. The same procedure may be applied, with minor changes, to different fields of application, like image sequence 
analysis, navigation and fusion of various information. 
The procedure consists of the adjustment of observables of photogrammetry or other sensors and systeins, taking into account 
displacements of a certain number of points and some shape descriptors to give a linkage among one point and the neighbouring 
ones. Therefore this procedure performs a kinematic adjustment and a spatial analysis of the displacements, that can be executed 
together by using a modern integrated approach. 
1. INTRODUCTION ( Cunietti, et al., 1985 ). 
Those interested both in control measurements and in photogrammetry can often meet the following problem: is it possible to 
control by photogrammetry ? The question is pertinent and senseful for two basic reasons: 
» because it is possible to measure many points (even very close to each others) at the same time by photogrammetry; 
» because metric images, base of photogrammetry, are a document on the state of the object to be controlled, that can be filed and 
that (under certain conditions) can always be used. 
A positive answer can be given; therefore it is necessary to define its terms, to analyze it in a general way and then to draw 
conclusions on condition that some processes are improved. 
It must be clear that the authors don't want certainly to exhaust the subject. The main task is only to report a research, that was 
carried out for a long time in order to insert it rightly in the general field of photogrammetry. 
A modern trend in the analysis of samples of phenomena is to model them by statistical methods: this approach can be applied also 
to the control problems. Two opposite situations seems to happen more frequently: 
» the number of points to be monitored is small and the rate of repetitions high; 
» the number of points to be monitored is high, but the rate of repetitions is low. 
The first situation occurs often when the velocity of deformation is high. Since the control network is supposed to be small, each 
repetition can be executed in a very short time, so that the hypothesis, that the vertices are reasonably stable in this span of time, is 
acceptable and the adjustment can be performed separately. After the adjustment the displacements of each vertex can be analysed 
supposing that these are sampled from realisations of stochastic processes. Thus an interpolation removes the non-stationary trend 
and a filtering splits then the stochastic signal from the random noise. In this phase the eventual linkage among the vertices can be 
described by the definition of suitable crosscovariance functions. Note that the processing after the adjustment is the classical 
object of the time series analysis. 
The second situation occurs often in the monitoring of a slow motion. The execution of the measurements requires generally a long 
time, because the control network is wide. Therefore the measurement of a repetition cannot any more be considered as executed at 
the same time and the time span of a repetition is comparable to the period between two repetitions. Thus an unique adjustment of 
all repetitions has to be done by applying the proper kinematic model. In this case, there is typically a small number of repetitions 
that doesn't allow for a modelling in terms of time series; however a deterministic functional model per each vertex can be suitably 
applied. After the adjustment the additional parameters of the functional model (i.e. velocities, accelerations, ....) can be analysed 
as samples from realisations of generally stationary stochastic processes, depending on the coordinates of each vertex. 
2. KINEMATIC ADJUSTMENT AND SPATIAL ANALYSIS ( Forlani, et al., 1986; De Haan, et al., 1987 ). 
The movements in the slow moving control cases, where number of vertices of a control network 1s high, but the rate of repetitions 
is small, often present one of the following characteristics: 
» the magnitude of the shifts is always increasing (or decreasing); 
» the amplitude of the shifts changes almost regularly from positive to negative and viceversa; 
» acombination of the two preceding cases occurs. 
The first type represents a dilatation (or a contraction) of the controlled object, following a typical law of approach to the steady 
s(t) = ae to) (1) 
the second one represents a periodical movement expressed in the most regular case by a formula of the type: 
s(f) 2acos (c(t —t9) - d) (2) 
the third type combines the two preceding movements: 
s(£) 2 aet? 070) cos (c(t — ty) +d) (3) 
IAPRS, Vol. 30, Part 5W1, ISPRS Intercommission Workshop "From Pixels to Sequences”, Zurich, March 22-24 1995 

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