Full text: From pixels to sequences

Thanks go to Christoph Zollikofer for putting his triangulation and visualization software at our disposal and to Martin 
Dürst for his comments to the computation of the visible surface voxels. Thanks also go to Prof. Lebedev for thoroughly 
revising this paper. 
Fromherz T., Bichsel M, 1994a. Shape from Contours as Initial Step in Shape from Multiple Cues. Proceedings of the 
ISPRS Commission Ill Symposium on Spatial Information from Digital Photogrammetry and Computer Vision, Munich, 
Germany, 30(3/1), pp. 249-256. 
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Zheng, J.Y., 1994. Acquiring 3-D Models from Sequences of Contours. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and 
Machine Intelligence, 16(2), pp. 163-178. ; 
Seetharaman G.S., 1994. Image Sequence Analysis for Three-Dimensional Perception of Dynamic Scenes. in 
Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Image Processing: Computer Vision. T.Y. Young (Ed.), Academic Press, INC., 
San Diego, 2, pp. 361-403. 
Fromherz T., Bichsel M., 1994b. Shape from Multiple Cues: Integrating Local Brightness Information. MML Technical 
Report No 94.17, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Zurich, Switzerland. 
Bichsel, M., 1994. Segmenting Simply Connected Moving Objects in a Static Scene. IEEE Transactions on Pattern 
Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 16(11), pp. 1138-1142. 

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