Complete plotting of an object including the transformation into a specified superordinate reference coordinate system is
a demand made by the user on all measuring techniques. Photogrammetry meets this demand using bundle adjustment
programs, but it needs a long time and a special photogrammetric knowledge for doing that. This is the central aspect of
photogrammetric know-how that has to be conveyed to the user. A local positioning system for the determination of the
projection centers and image rotations at the time of exposure would help to simplify the process a great deal and would
pave the way for the implementation of real-time capabilities.
Enormous efforts still have to be made today to give the users of conventional measuring methods an understanding of
this measuring principle and to convince them of its merits. The benefits must undoubtedly be set against a few
drawbacks which are associated with the general problem of the optical measurement approach in industry: Only a
small percentage of potential users in industry are aware of the capabilities offered by optical measurement systems for
solving their measurement problems. The successful use of photogrammetric systems such as InduSURF Digital will
lead to an increase in the number of users and will promote the principle of digital image measurement by
photogrammetric methods in a wide variety of industrial sectors.
Optical measuring techniques will continue to penetrate into most varied industrial sectors. Methods like laser triangu-
lation, fringe projection and industrial photogrammetry using digital cameras are presented as examples of Carl Zeiss'
activities in the field of optical industrial measuring technology aiming at the development of marketable systems.
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IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, Vol. PAMI-6, No. 2.
Voss, K., Süße, H., 1991, Praktische Bildverarbeitung.
Carl Hanser Verlag München Wien.
IASPRS, Vol. 30, Part 5W1, ISPRS Intercommission Workshop "From Pixels to Sequences", Zurich, March 22-24 1995