Full text: From pixels to sequences

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Figure 16: Transmissivity of varnish 
o0 o o 
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for blue radiation and cyan is not 
transparent for red light. The advantage of 
color slides is the easy generation of 
optimized’ spatial and speetral structures 
for color sensor applications. 
Second we coated thin glasses with 
coloured resist, known from the silicon 
fabrication. The advantage of the resist is 
the possibility to form easily high precision 
geometries on the semiconductor through 
technological processing steps. We used 
red and blue varnish, developed for silicon 
fabrication, both from  Hoechst The 
absorption was quite low compared with 
color slides. Thick varnish layers are very 
difficult to process and additional mask 
steps are required. 
3 " 
1 1 L 1 
600 7 8 900 1000 1100 
wavelength fnm] 
Figure 16 shows the transmission for the 
two investigated coloured resists. The 
absorption is obviously small. For that reason no further experiments with varnish have been made. 
Zhu et al. investigated voltage controlled color filters with nipin structures [9] fabricated with special processing steps. 
Those structures are composed of doped n-layers and p-layers and intrinsic i-layers inbetween. As such structures are 
not available within EUROCHIP, no experiments with nipin devices have been performed in our group. 
We wish to thank the Mikroelektronik Anwendungszentrum Hamburg and the groups of Semiconductor Technology and 
Biomechanics at the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg for their help in spectral measurements and 
preparations of the color filters. 
Christof Koch and Hua Li (eds.): VISION CHIPS, Implementing Vision Algorithms with Analog VLSI Circuits. IEEE 
Computer society press, ISBN 0-8186-6492-4, 1995. 
T.Delbrück and C.A. Mead. Analog VLSI Phototransduction by continuous-time, adaptive, logarithmic 
photoreceptor circuits. California Institute of Technology, Computation and Neural Systems Program, Memo No. 
30, February 5, 1995. 
K. Engelhardt and P. Seitz, Novel Optical Absolute Position Encoder with 10 nm Resolution. Paul Scherrer 
Institut, Annual Report 1993, Annex IIIB, PSI Applied Solid State Physics. 
H. Fischer, T. Lule, B. Schneider, H. Schulte, M. Bóhm: Analog image detector in TFA-technology, EUROPTO. 
Conference (European Symposium on Optics for Productivity in Manufacturing), Sensors and Control for 
Advanced Automation Il, Frankfurt/Main, June 20.-24. 1994 
IVA Smart Optical Sensors, Datasheets of Lapp 1100, Lapp 1500, Mapp 2200 and RS 2200, L.O.T. Oriel 
S. Espejo, R. Dominguez-Castro, R. Casrmona, A. Rodriguez-Vazquez: CMOS optical-sensor array with high 
output current levels and automatic signal-range centring, Electronics Letters, Vol. 30, No.22, October 1994, pp. 
1847 - 1849 
M. Happacher: Drehgeber der neuen Generation, Elektronik 16/1994, pp.28 - 32 
R. Hagl, Drehgeber für digitale Drehzahlregelung, Design & Elektronik 8/1994, pp. 41 - 44 
Q. Zhu, H. Stiebig, P. Rieve, J. Giehl, M. Sommer, M. Bóhm: New type of thin film color image sensor, 
EUROPTO Conference (European Symposium on Optics for Productivity in Manufacturing), Sensors and Control 
for Advanced Automation Il, Frankfurt/Main, June 20.-24. 1994 
IAPRS, Vol. 30, Part 5W1, ISPRS Intercommission Workshop "From Pixels to Sequences", Zurich, March 22-24 1995 

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