2 8000
g 6000 streaks
"7 400
2000 |
0 A
0 50 100 (150 20 250
gray value
Figure 3: Histogram of the left streak image. Although appearing to show a bimodal distribution, particles cannot
be segmented by a threshold.
connected object. The image g(x,y) is scanned through for local maxima in the intensity, as the location of
streaks is well approximated by a local maximum gmax(X,y). A minimum search horizontally and vertically
from gmax(X,y) enables the calculation of the peak height:
Ag = min(gmax = Jmin,i) , (1)
mini being the minima revealed by the minimum search. In addition the half width is measured. Both
peak height and half width a required to lie above a threshold to prevent random noise being a seeding
point for the region growing. After these germ points are identified the growing algorithm segments the
object following two rules: A pixel is accepted as an object point only when its gray value is higher than
an adaptive threshold, which is calculated from gp, ; by interpolation. Then,only those pixels forming a
. connected object are considered. A result of the described segmentation algorithm is shown in Fig. 4. Each
object identified by the segmentation is then labeled with a flood fill algorithm borrowed from computer
graphics. The size of each object can then be determined, and thereby large objects (reflections at the water
surface) removed.
Figure 4: Original gray value image left and segmented image right. 501 objects were found. The reflections at the
water surface were eliminated by the labeling algorithm.
3.3 Image Sequence Analysis
After segmentation, the correspondence problem of identifying the same particle in the next image frame
is solved, by calculating its image field streak overlap: Some cameras (e.g. the Pulnix TM-640) show a
significant overlap 0 of the exposure in two consecutive fields of the same frame. The overlap of the exposure
time yields a spatial overlap of the two corresponding streaks from one image to the next. An AND operation
between two consecutive segmented fields calculates the overlap fast and efficiently [6]. In addition, as the
temporal order of the image fields is known, the sign of the vector is also known and the directional ambiguity
is removed. However most cameras do not show a temporal overlap in the exposure time. then, corresponding
particles will only overlap due to their expansion in space. Artificially this expansion can be increased by
the use of a morphological dilation operator. The binary dilation operator of the set of object points O by
a mask M is defined by:
OoM (p. Mji1OZ, (2)
IAPRS, Vol. 30, Part 5W1, ISPRS Intercommission Workshop “From Pixels to Sequences”, Zurich, March 22-24 1995