Full text: Proceedings of ISP Commission 1 symposium on data acquisition and improvement of image quality and image geometry

di the calibration certificate was set. With the Optronics P-1700 and the 
Joyce-Loebl 3C5 the ealibration parameters had to be computed afterwards 
from the digital or analogue recorded measuring values. 
n acr Thus for each instrument a eus scale was determined relating to the 
zo reference step wedge used . With this set adjustment each sample was, 
as a rule, measured two times. 
But in chapter 3 will be demonstrated that the use of only one reference 
= step wedge does not suffice. 
: In order to have for the analysis of the results an absolute comparison, 
: an apparatus (fig.3) of the PTB in Braunschweig was used for the deter- 
mination of the diffuse density of all step wedges according to DIN 4512. 
er The repeatability of this instrument is indicated with < +0.5% (Heiland 
^ ( and Vieth 196h). This value was also obtained by own measurements. 
Ulbricht sphere i : 
Ulbrichtsche Kugel Dex : 
: Apparatus of the Physikalisch-Tech- 
sondensing lens nische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Braun- 
Ondensor schweig, Federal Republic of Ger- 
I~ | many, for the determination of the 
LO Lamp : FI diffuse density after DIN 4512 and 
lamp for the determination of the specular 
filters density (after Heiland and Vieth 
position A 7 B1 1964). In position A the diaphragm 
| Bl is inm contact with the U-sphere, 
sample i which illuminates the sample dif- 
Probe | fusely. From the luminous flux 
transmitted the receiver weights 
= only a light bundle which has an 
i position B angle of 2950' with the optical 
je axis. In position B the sample is 
(9 gestes also illuminated under an angle of 
1 2050'. This time the receiver 
broad-band weights a light bundle with an axis 
interference” P oto- angle of 3045! Diaphragms and U- 
( Sehen ce Ne / SEY sphere have apertures with a dia- 
0.25 Interferenzfilter | meter of 5 mm. 
. 2 
er This apparatus is also suitable for the determination of the specular 
; density in order to be able to compute from the ratio of specular den- 
, sity and diffuse density the Callier coefficient. The Callier coefficient 
characterizes the light scattering properties of layers (though he does 
#) A Kodak photographic step tablet no.3 (calibrated) served as reference 
for all these measurements. 

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