Full text: Proceedings of ISP Commission 1 symposium on data acquisition and improvement of image quality and image geometry

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not describe the scattering properties unambigously). The coefficient 
is for the investigated film types graphed in fig.4. , 
18 + BL 00000000. eo o 3-00 
= eet 22200000 AV 
= IR 
10—-—-- —————4 + + + tM —— > 
1.0 2.0 optische Dichte 
diffuse density 
Fig.4: Callier coefficients Q of different film types, developed to 
nearly the same gradation ( y = 1.6 + 5%, except for Tri-X 2403, 
y = 0.6). 
PX = Kodak Plus-X Aerographic Film 2402, 
TX = Kodak Tri-X Aerographic Film 2403, 
HD = Kodak High Definition Aerial Film 3414, 
IR = Kodak Infrared Aerographic Film 2424, 
AV = Agfa Aviphot Pan 30, 
no.3 = Kodak photographic step tablet no.3 (calibrated), 
W = Kodak Wratten Neutral Density Filter No.96 
(for comparison only). 
Q is the ratio of specular density to diffuse density. 
In fig.5 the findings of some selected measurements are tabulated as 
correction diagrams for the diffuse density. The correction curves of ( 4 
Gretag D 33 show an almost similar behaviour of all film types with a 
small increase from the range of lower densities to higher densities. 
Another but for all sorts of film similar effect show the curves of the 
Macbeth TD-100. Compared to it, the curves of the Macbeth TD-102 are 
very irregular for the different films. The Kodak High Definition Film 
reveals extremely high corrections*/. A measured density of 2.71 has to 
be corrected by 0.45 to obtain the theoretical value of 2.26. 
Entirely diverse correction curves also show the results obtained with 
the Joyce-Loebl microdensitometer. Measurements performed on the High 
Definition Film require positive corrections which are nearly propor- 
tional to the density. Measurements on the Kodak Tri-X have to be cor- 
rected only in the range of higher densities (as of about 1.2 D, but 
A check made under varied conditions (with an aperture of 3 mm) 
yielded the same result.

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