Full text: Proceedings of ISP Commission 1 symposium on data acquisition and improvement of image quality and image geometry

E20 A 
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The interpretation of these findings turns out to be difficult. The mea- 
Surements taken with Gretag D 33 and Macbeth TD-100 point to the fact that 
the measured densities over the whole range of density are weighted non- 
-linear. It seems that the receiver of the Optronics P-1700 also has such 
a non-linear response. However, the result yielded with the {High Defini- 
tion Film can not be explained unambigously. Similar problems poses the 
interpretation of the measurements taken with the Macbeth TD-102 and the 
Joyce-Loebl 3CS. The partly unsystematical behaviour of these instruments 
is probably caused by their illumination equipment and by the influence 
ANS, PH2.19. 
Scattering light probably causes the significant differences (fig.6) 
following from measurements taken with the Macbeth TD-100 equipped with 
three different apertures. The variations between the aluminium apertures 
of 0.8 mm and 3 mm are as evident with all the other sorts of film. The 
black aperture was only used for measuring the calibrated Kodak step 
+ 0.10 2 3 
+ 0.05 
1.0 2.0 diffuse density 
optische Dichte 
Fig.6: Diagram of corrections (like in fig.5) of Kodak photographic 
step tablet no.3 (calibrated) and Macbeth TD-100, newly adjusted (9 
for each measurement at D = 0.00-and D = 2.76. 
Curve 1: aperture 0.8 mm (aluminium); curve 2: aperture 3 mm : 
(aluminium); curve 3: aperture 0.8 mm (black). 
With the Macbeth TD-102 and the Gretag D 33 no influence can be noticed 
as to the use of different apertures. Here the maximal deviations 
amount to 0.02 D, in the mean less than 0.01 D. This corresponds with 
the measuring accuracy of these densitometers. 
À change of the aperture is equivalent to a change of the pixel size 
with the Optronics P-1700. Fig.Ta shows the difference between pixel 
sizes of 25 um and 100 um of three selected films. The emulsion is 
towards the receiver. Like the Plus-X the film samples of Tri=%, IF 242) 
and Aviphot Pan 30 (not graphed in fig.Ta) reveal very similar variations. 
Reversing the samples so that the emulsion is now towards the condensing

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