Full text: Proceedings of ISP Commission 1 symposium on data acquisition and improvement of image quality and image geometry

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The distance from lamps to the samples was 1,5m, and samples 
were uniformly illuminated with the illminance of 7500 lux. 
Lamps were changed with new ones every four day to keep 
constant the illumination. Samples were also suffered 
from the heat. Its temperature taised up to 40°C. 
3) Exposure test by Fad-O-Meter 
This instrument are adopted to the fading test for 
textiles and pigments, Its 100 hour exposures are saik 
to be equivalent to one year exposure of natural daylight. 
The test was carried out 10 hours a day for 10 days,. 
The temperature of samples raised up to more than 50°C, 
Color of color film depends on the amounts of the three, 
cyan, magenta and yellow dyes in each sensitive layer of the 
Color film, The amount of cyan is determined by the 
red density, magenta by the green density and yellow by the 
blue density. So, the color fading, Tp, was evaluated 
by the ratio of each color density before and after the 
Do T 
where, Dg is color density after the exposure and D, is 
color density before the exposure, 
The change in color depends on the amount of the color 
dyes and fading rate deffers from the color to another, 
Much yellow dye was contained in saturated Red (R2), 
the saturated Green(G2) and the dark grey. On the 
contrary, less yellow dye in the pale Red (R1), pale Green 
(Gl) and light Grey(N1),. SO color measurements were 
separately for the pale color group and the saturated color 
The saturated color group always faded much more than 
the pale color group except Chibachrome CCT and Kodak 2447, 
Cyan dye was most resistive for fading test and yellow dye 
was the worst. | ; 
After exposing for 100 hours by the Fad-O-Meter, yellow (* 
dye faded about 60$-70$ of the original dye amount,and its 
color was almostly invisible, Magenta!s fading loss was 
20$ in the saturated color and 40$ in the pale color. 
Cyan dye's loss was only 10%, Accordingly, faded color 
film becomes blue. 
There were some differences in fading rate among three 
methods, but no differences in the tendency of fading and 
in respect of yellow dye, 30 day's exposure by tangsten 
lamps was equivalent 30 - 20 hours exposure of the Fad-O-Meter 
and 30 days' exposures of the natural sun light to 70-80 
hours' of Fad-O-Meter, 

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