Full text: Proceedings of ISP Commission 1 symposium on data acquisition and improvement of image quality and image geometry

Behaviors of faded colors in the CIE v-w chromaticity 
diagram were indicated in Figs. 21 - 23. Red color became 
to magenta, blue to cyannish blue, and green to cyan, because 
of the lackness of yellow dye. 
5-2 Results 
In color prints for the preservation, the decreases of the 
spatial infomation can not be avoided, but their effects on the 
visual photo-intapretation are almostly ignored, even if they 
are reproduced either from the aerial negative color film or 
from the reversal aerial color film, 
From a stand point of utility value, the preservation of 
the color film in the color negative state, is more economical 
and operative than the positive film state. The color separa- 
tion method which separates the color to red, green, and blue. 
Black/white negatijve film is the most excellent for the long 
time preservarion, but the highest color composite technique 
is needed and the cost is very expensive. 
The humidity is a very destructive factor for the color 
fading of the film, so it is recommended for the long time 
preservation that the humidity is less than 20%, the temperature 
less than 10%, if possible less than 0°C. 
The authors wish to thank Prof. Dr. Yasufumi Emori of Chiba 
University for helpful comments in preparing this paper. 

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