Full text: Proceedings of ISP Commission 1 symposium on data acquisition and improvement of image quality and image geometry

March 15, 1978 
: DMSP (Defense Meteorological Satellite Program) 
BACKGROUND: Formerly a U.S. Air Force system called DAPP (Data Acquisition and 
Processing Program), begun about 1968. Imagery declassified in December 1972. 
. ‘Block 5-C: First operational system with two polar-orbiting satellites 
and a nighttime high-gain visual range Earth-~imaging capability for 
city lights and aurora borealis. 
Block 5-D: First to achieve constant cross-track spatial resolution of 
scanner data for automated data processing and accurate Earth location 
of data. 
LAUNCH DATES: First of Block 5-D series vas launched in September 1976. 
It malfunctioned in orbit and was restored to operation April 1, 1977. 
Second satellite in system was launched June 24, 1977. 
ORBIT: Sun-synchronous, near-polar 
Inclination: 98.75? 
Altitude: 832 km 
Period: 102 minutes, with 25° longitudinal increments 
Coverage: Global, 4 times daily; one vehicle oriented for coverage 
at 0600 and 1800 hours, the other at 1200 and 2400 hours. 
Resolution " Swath width 
Scanning optical telescope system Very high high 
Visible (0.40 to 1.1 um) 0.60 km 3.7 kn 2890 kn 
Infrared (8 to 13 um) 
Imagery characteristics: 2890 x 5560 km format 
Cassini projection at 1:15,000,000, or enlargement to 1:7,500,000 
Thermal resolution of 1.6? C displayed as 16 shades of gray 
8-channel sounding radiometer provides vertical temperature and humidity 
profiles of the atmosphere and total ozone. 
RECORDERS: Three digital tape recorders, each with capacity of 1.67 x 10? bits 
SPACECRAFT: Block 5-D chassis with precision mounting platforms for sensors 
Equipment support module (2 computers for onboard data processing) 
Spent 3rd stage rocket motor and support for reaction control equipment 
Solar cell array 
Gross weight: 470 kg (Double the weight and four times the payload 
Payload: “ 140 kg capacity of Block 5-C spacecraft) 
GROUND STATIONS: Data received at USAF terminals and USN carriers 
16 mobile receivers (direct readout only) 
Readout, direct or stored, limited to 400 minutes of data 
per ground station 
Spacecraft controlled from Loring AFB, Maine, and Fairchild AFB, 
PURPOSE: Global weather data to support military operations 
Monitoring coastal areas 
Oceanographic data 
DATA AVAILABILITY: Videotapes available to DOD users only 
Imagery of polar areas archived at World Data Center, Boulder, Colorado 
Imagery of temperate areas archived at University of Wisconsin, 
Space Science and Engineering Center 
For new imagery, contact NOAA/NESS, World Weather Building, Camp Springs, Md. 
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Users Guides: Dickenson and others, 1974, U.S. Air Force 
. Pike, 1975, Air Force Cambridge Research Labs 
Coastal Oceanographic Use of the Defense Meteorological 
Satellite Program (DMSP), 1973, by 0.K. Huh, U.S. Naval 
Oceanographic Office, Tech, Rep. 241, 

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