Full text: Proceedings of ISP Commission 1 symposium on data acquisition and improvement of image quality and image geometry

March 15, 1978 
Seasat-A : | 
Expected lifetime: One year, 
ORBIT: Nearly circular, non sun-synchronous 
Altitude: 790.17 km + 50 m Period: 100.75 minutes 
Inclination: 108° nominal, 104°-108° range Orbits per day: 14.3 
Coverage: 72° north to 72° south Orbit repeat (exact): 152 days 
SENSORS: (must be aligned to within 0.07° and pointing angle known to within 0.035? 
with unobstructed view of Earth) . 
Frequency/ Swath width/ | 
Active yavelength Resolution FOV Measurement 
Synthetic aperture 1274.8 gHz : 25 m 100 km swath images and spectra 
radar (SAR) (L-Band, at 4 looks (on one side of waves 
(data limited to 
25 cm) 
of spacecraft) 
coastal, land, and 
60 nin/day; direct Polarization HH ice imagery i » 
readout only) 
Radar altimeter 13.499 gHz H 1/321-20 m 1.6 km H 1/3=significant 
(improved from (at nadir, on wave altitude 
Skylab and Geos-3) calm sea) (to + 1 m) 
: marine geoid 
(to + 10 cm) 
. de tides, currents 
Radar scatterometer 14.599 gHz high gain 50 km one 500-km 
(improved from Polarization low gain 200 km one 750-km speed and direction 
Skylab) : HH, VV : (overlapping) (to + 20°) of winds 
3 one 280 km under 20 m/sec 
Passive ' (at nadir) 
Visible/infrared 0.47-0.94 um . 2 km 679 km (arc clouds, sea surface 
radiometer 10.5-12.5 um 4 km width) on one temperature within 
(from ITOS) side of nadir + 2°C (day and night) 
Scanning multi- 5.6, 10.7, 21-121 km, 2127 km for speed (7 m to 50 m/ 
frequency micro- 18, 21, major axis + 50. inci- sec) and direction 
wave radiometer 37 ghz 145-79 km, dence angle of winds over 20 m/ 
( SMMR)* minor axis : sec; atmospheric 
vapor and liquid 
content; raindrop 
size and distribution 
sea surface temper 
ature 6 4 
DESCRIPTION: Spacecraft bus (Agena) attached to sensor module and support structure 
Launch vehicle: Atlas-F 
*Identical instrument 
on Nimbus G to cover 
polar regions 
Two tape recorders can store data (except SAR) from 2 orbits 
record at 25 kilobits/sec; downlink at 640 kilobits/sec (non SAR) 
GROUND STATIONS: U.S.: Fairbanks, Alaska; Goldstone, California; Merrit Island, Florida; 
Canada/CCRS: Shoe Cove, Newfoundland. ESA stations in Oakhanger, England, 
and Canary Islands may process SAR data (real time only). 
PURPOSE: All-weather monitoring of ccean surface (all sensors) 
Radar imaging of land surface 
Commercial uses: Indicate fishing areas, route ships, time offshore drilling 
DISTRIBUTION OF DATA: All but SAR: From Fairbanks to Navy's Fleet Numerical Weather 
Center, Monterey, Calif., via commercial communications spacecraft (in real time) 
to NOAA/NESS for pubiic distribution. : 
SAR: From all stations vía mail to JPL/SDPS to NOAA/NESS (processed image data only) 
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: NOAA Program Development Plan for Seasat-A Research and 
Applications, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA/NESS, March 1977 (CPO 1977-240-848/13) 
Operational Oceanographic Satellites: Potentials for Oceanography, Climatology, 
Coastal Processes, and Ice, by Robert G. Nagler and S. W. McCandless, Jr., 1975, 
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Calif. Inst. Tech., Contract NAS 7-100, NASA Office 
of Applications, 12 p. 

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