Full text: Proceedings of ISP Commission 1 symposium on data acquisition and improvement of image quality and image geometry

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Haley who was a major planner in the Dynamic Simulation Complex poses the 
problem faced by the Air Force engineers. "The rapid pace of tehcnological 
development in reconnaissance, related engineering and scientific areas has 
presented some rather difficult problems to engineering management. In the 
past, emphasis generally has been given to the developmental rather than the 
analytical aspects of advanced sensor system development...serious problems 
were not identified and corrected during system tests. As a result, some ex- 
pensive, time consuming modification programs have had to be implemented 
after systems have been released to the operational user." "As a result of 
unrealistic testing procedures...system performance was a secondary con- 
At Wright Patterson laboratories, "a new testing philosophy slowly evolved 
that has recognized and dealt with many of the major problem that has faced 
analytic engineers...there was a need to subject the sensor system to the same 
dynamic environment that was to be found in flight. To accomplish the... x 
tasks two important things were needed: a facility that was capable of sim- (0 
ulating the dynamic environment of flight, and a suitable method of deter- 
mining just what the "in-flight environment was like." 
"The intent of the new test philosophy was not to replace flight testing but 
rather to develop the ability to measure system performance using flight 
simulation under controlled laboratory conditions...Although this philosophical 
approach has been modified and refined somewhat over the years, it still 
serves as the basic guide for work done at the Dynamic Analyzer Complex 
of the Air Force Avionics Laboratory." This is the large test facility which 
subjects a sensor (or a sensor in its mount, in a vehicle/vehicle section) 
to the simulated environments of atmospheric space (pressure, temperature, 
humidity) and motion (vibration, pitch, roll, yaw). 
Other authors give the capabilities of the Complex: The collimators (re- 
: solution, image motion target, spectral characteristics), the vacuum capa- 
bility of the space chamber, the temperature range, the motion parameters, 
the infrared target characteristics. 
Modern, high speed techniques are being employed in the analysis. Micro- (9 
densitometers (as well as human eyes) analyze images recorded by sensors 
under test. Large quantities of data are processed by on-line computers. 
Lt/Col Mower sums the Air Force effort in his conclusion. "For the past 
decade the Dynamic Analyzer Complex has been actively engaged in work 
involving the three phases of the research and development cycle: static 
and bench tests, dynamic and environmental tests, and flight tests. Ex- 
perience has shown that dynamic analysis, through the use of modeling 
and simulation techniques, can provide a basis for identifying and cor- 
recting most operational performance efficiencies prior to flight testing. 
As a result, substantial savings in both resources and time have been re- 
peatedly demonstrated. The adoption of a more realistic test concept such as 
avocated above will provide results that are cost effective and conclusive, 
The time has come to replace the old adage...It should now state 'Insufficient 
testing is expensive, whereas adequate testing pays dividends'". 

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