Full text: Proceedings of ISP Commission 1 symposium on data acquisition and improvement of image quality and image geometry

XT GUY ey ese 
Table 3 Results from the spatial resection of a 
single 1:10500 aerial photograph with 34 
uniformly distributed control points 
using different calibration date [15] 
for lens distortion correction. 
: Calibration 
V mu 2a 3a 4b 5 6 7 
m. Dam] | 4.2 4. 0 4,4 4,3 4. 4.1 
my Dum] 5.5 5.1 5,0 6.4 5.5 5,4 
2 - -D.1 - 
d [um] 5,4 19.4 +71 428,1 1543 0. 2,6 
Yo Dum] o 416,9 -11,.7 -6,.2 *11,.1 -1,.0 -9,1 
Ze Dum) 1.6 -24,8 -3,.,9 -18,.0 412,8 425,6 48,3 
$ Cum] 1.4 -6,2 £4.45 42.4 -3,.9 -0,4 +3,56 
imgön] 1.9 52 +5.8 +3,2 -5.2 -0,5 £4,8 
w [pm] 1.4 -5,9 +3,8 +0.2 -4,1 +3.0 42.9 
[mgon] 1.9 -1.8 +4,9 +0. 3 -5,4 +4,0 +3,9 
| Table 4 Typical correlation matrix 
| for the exterior orientation 
I parameters determined by a 
hi spatial resection of a single 
photograph [15] 
X. Y za K ó w 
X 1000 192 -117 42 986 -209 
Y 1000 125 16 23:8 -986 
z 1000 -4 -116 -133 
x 1000 34 -24 
e 1000 -221 

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