Full text: Proceedings of ISP Commission 1 symposium on data acquisition and improvement of image quality and image geometry

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Table 2. Improvement of o, and Rmse by the Calibration 
: Giving Best Results 
Réseau information and polynomial 1 applied throughout. 
The percentage of improvement is given in Ztalios. 
"Standard Case" of flight pattern and control. 
Flight and 
System W ZH ZR 
Oo 8.7/3.2 4.5/3.6 4.3/3.6 
19 20 16 
m 31/21 25/19 26/23 
Xy Ce 
32 24 12 
m, 74/38 67/35 67/39 
49 48 42 
m, 86 /L 8 T6 /hy 16/51 
44 42 33 
Calibration e C + 
which is on the other hand not cancelled by this flight pattern. This 
casts some light on the somewhat worse results in elevation after ap- 
plication of polynomials 2. The effect of different polynomials or 
calibrations on common mission flight patterns (e.g. 60 % longitudinal 
and 20 % side lap) must still be investigated. 
Fig. 2 through 10 show in different terms the outcome of various (e 
partial field calibrations. As far as control is concerned, these 
older versions of calibration have point group 55 as full control in- 
stead of 54, which has been used in recent computations (for situation 
of these points cf. e.g. Fig. 2 c)). This change seemed necessary, as 
point group 55 had to be shifted repeatedly as a consequence of ad- 
vancing gravel pits, thus accuracy of its coordinates somewhat lower- 
ing. Fig. 10 is deducted from recent computations. 
As far as the Standard Case is touched on at the Figures, the 
vectors of selected photo points show the different behaviour of the 
photogrammetric systems. Even the systems of "ZH" and "ZR" differ to 
a considerable extent despite their close physical affinity. 
Comparison of Fig. 2 a) and b) suggests a slight systematic error 
in the ruling of the réseau (Ellenbeck 1976). On the other hand the con- 
‘siderable reduction of systematics by réseau information in cases "ZH" 

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