Full text: Proceedings of ISP Commission 1 symposium on data acquisition and improvement of image quality and image geometry

K. Murata 
Hokkaido University 
Sapporo, Japan 
K. Sayanagi 
Canon Inc. 
Tokyo, Japan 
F. Koga 
Geographical Survey Institute 
Tokyo, Japan 
1.. Introduction 
Studies and uses of MTF for photogrammetric cameras have been 
discussed for a long time--almost from the beginning of the MTF 
concept--in regard to different application purposes. However, it 
has taken a long time to realize the use of the MTF jn our field and 
to find its raison d'etre in everyday operations of cameras and lenses. 
Potential features and theoretical background of MTF are already 
clear among people concerned with image quality, and therefore, the 
use of MTF instead of resolving power was highly recommended by many 
authors and organizations. Real applications and uses in our field 
were not quite active when compared with other imaging technologies 
such as amateur cameras, TV lenses and radiography. 
We had two years of study and discussion on the practical uses 
of MTF for photogrammetric camera testing purposes while obtaining the 
support of GSI. 
After our two years of experience, we decided to use MTF measure- 
ment as one testing item in our standard Japanese testing and mainte- 
nance plans for photogrammetric cameras. 
It required the following two steps to obtain our conclusion on 
the use of MTF. At first we constructed testing equipment starting 
from equipment which was used for 35mm camera lenses and adapted it to 
larger lens size and bigger format of photogrammetric cameras. 
Secondly, we measured several photogrammetric cameras now in field use 
to find the real situation of existing lenses. 

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