Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

in Conf. 
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Dynamic trapezoidal maps for coarse perspective models in indoor scenes 
Javier Finat, Margarita Gonzalo-Tasis, Maria J. Antolinez Susana Aguilar 
Javier Finat, Dept of Algebra and Geometry, ETS Computer Science Eng, Univ of Valladolid, 
47011 Valladolid, Spain, e-mail: jfinat@agt.uva.es 
Keywords: Vision Sciences, Geometry, Navigation, Representation, Visualization, Motion 
A major problem in Automatic Navigation is how to update and maintain coherent information arising from the Computer Vision 
techniques. In this paper we address the problem of generating and updating perspective models for indoor scene with a mobile 
uncalibrated camera in absence of additional information. We develop a bottom-up approach based on a coarse paraperspective 
model. Trapezoidal maps are constructed from a perspective representation. Resulting structures are overimposed to the original 
views to simplify grouping criteria. Trapezoids are symbolically represented as pairs of bivectors associated to two evolving oriented 
areas. Each pair of bivectors represents a shear deformation along a privileged direction, and inversely. Privileged directions linked 
to trapezoids play the role of dynamical organizers for propagation models. Its linearization is inverted following the tangent space of 
a shear transformation to predict, generate and validate a coarse mobile 3D Reconstruction. 
Keywords: Trapezoidal maps, Egomotion, Shear transformations 
1. Introduction 
The relative motion of a mobile platform can be captured from a 
sequence of images captured from an embarked camera. 
Classical approach are based on Optic Flow ([Hor81]) and 
Detection-tracking of Geometric Features ([Fau93]). The Optic 
Flow is the 2D projection onto the image of the true 3D 
distributions of motion vector fields linked to mobile objects. 
Hence, to avoid the indeterminacy about the lifting of a 2D 
vector field to a 3D vector field we must add information about 
the scene, the camera or some coarse motion characteristics of 
objects with real or apparent motion (see [Zha92], [Fau93], 
[Har00] for details and additional references). 
A good initialization is convenient to select a spatial 
arrangement of geometric data which can be tracked in a simple 
way along the sequence of views. Usual geometric techniques to 
update information about a changing scene are based on easily 
identifiable 0-dimensional elements. Triangular decompositions 
provide general techniques for the grouping of such elements in 
static scenes. The tracking problem is far more difficult in the 
case of dynamic scenarios where several objects can move 
simultaneously. In this case, the relative motion is composed of 
an evaluation of egomotion, and an evaluation of trajectories of 
mobile objects. Some recent advances ([Avi00]) provide 
information about trajectories of mobile objects along lines by 
overimposing a triangulation for dynamic scenarios, also. 
Unfortunately, a simple computation of parameters give us five 
views to determine such trajectory, and it would be interesting 
to find a segmentation requiring less views to capture the 
motion by using easily trackable regions inside pairs of triples 
of views. Our approach intends to introduce a regional 
segmentation based onto mid-level overimposed structures 
(instead of using the color as usually). 
Nevertheless the advances for egomotion evaluation produced 
along the nineties (see [Tia96] for an excellent comparison 
between them), the mise in correspondence of changing shapes 
and some "dislocations" linked to depth changes make difficult 
a mobile segmentation and clustering of regions. We have 
privileged a robust instead of a precise strategy for the 
algorithms design. Robustness allow us to simplify the 
estimation, grouping, updating and propagation models. It is 
well known that lines verify all these conditions, instead of 
points. Constraints relative to lines provide local compatibility 
criteria which can be lifted to a global coherence 3D structure. 
Triangular decompositions support also an information relative 
to lines to be grouped, but the updating and tracking requires to 
overimpose epipolar constraints. Epipolar constraints are need 
for a precise reconstruction, but they have a high computational 
effort. To avoid it and maintain the global coherence of the 
geometric structure, we have introduced a trapezoidal map 
(following [Ber97]). In this work we have selected 
1) asimple indoor scene with an apparent motion arising 
from the egomotion of the mobile platform 
2) an on-board processing for an autonomous embarked 
3) a generation of trapezoidal maps for grouping and 
updating information. 
The first constraint minimizes the discontinuities of the 
optic flow field arising from the depth discontinuities. The 
second constraint avoids the design of protocols linked to 
the control of communications. Main novelties of our 
approach concern to the third aspect ([Agu01 |). 
Trapezoids provide mid-level primitives for grouping with a 
simple and robust characterization. Simple character arises from 
the bilinear maps associated to segmentation and from their 
geometric representation as pairs of bivectors. We construct 
unbiased estimators (by extending some arguments of [Coe92]). 
Furthermore, the propagation model based on trapezoids 
simplifies the tracking, provides natural bounds for the field of 
view and allow us to maintain clustering devices with a 
minimal number of new events. 

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