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specifically S,,,, is defined as:
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where the various S terms are similarity coefficients (e.g. top for
topology etc.), and w are the corresponding weight coefficients.
In previous work we have developed metrics for the evaluation
of shape, orientation, and distance similarity that are
independent of scale and orientation variations to support image
queries, and have demonstrated their function in geospatial
queries [Stefanidis et al., 2002].
Figure 2: Objects identified in an input ground-level image
(bottom) and the viewing azimuth of this image as it
is identified in the corresponding VR model (top).
Our objective in this paper is to extend these models to support
the analysis of the content of ground-level imagery, and its
comparison to object relations as they are modeled in the
corresponding virtual model database. This results in a novel
matching technique that considers object relations to allow us to
recover image orientation given an approximate sensor location.
This entails comparing the relations of objects as they are
depicted in a ground-level image (Fig. 2 bottom) to all potential
object combinations as they can be formulated in the database,
in order to identify point-of-view as the line that maximizes the
similarity metric (long line pointing away from the small circle
in Fig. 2 top). This is an essential capability for modern sensor
deployment, where GPS information is easily available to
provide sensor location information, while orientation info is
less easily available. Our matching technique will provide a
“heads-up” capability, comparing potential views from a
specific location to the incoming imagery.
3.1 Comparing ground-level imagery to the content of a
VR database.
The outline of our approach to compare ground-level imagery to
the content of a VR database is shown in Fig. 3. This
corresponds to the approximate orientation box of the flowchart
of Fig. 1. As mentioned, input information includes the
approximate coordinates of the sensor as acquired by the GPS
system, the image (video frame from the sensor), and the 3d
model database of our area of interest.
The first step is the creation of a panorama synthetic image
using sensor coordinates and the 3D model. It is a 360° view of
the VR model around the sensor location, similar to the view
captured by an observer rotating around his/her location.
Algorithmically the panorama image is created using a
cylindrical projection of the objects centered in the approximate
coordinates acquired with the GPS. This synthetic panoramic
image can have any user-defined resolution. We commonly
define it to have a width of 3600 pixels so that every pixel
corresponds to a tenth of a degree.
Once the panoramic view is produced we proceed with
identifying approximate object outlines in both the incoming
and panoramic images. For our subsequent analysis it is
adequate to use object blobs, with the term blob used to indicate
the non-precise delineation of an object in an image. They can
be readily extracted from images through edge detection,
without having to resort to computationally-expensive precise
delineation algorithms, improving the
Panorama creation using GPS coordinates and
svnthetic camera model
Object detection in the image
Creation of all possible object combinations
Detection of winning configuration using the two
similarity metrics.
Retrieval of approximate orientation
Figure 3: Flowchart of our approach to compare a ground-level
image to the content of a VR database
Following this identification of approximate object outlines we
proceed with identifying in the panoramic image that
configuration of objects that best resembles the configuration of
objects in the input imagery. Assuming the input scene contains
n objects, and the panoramic view includes m objects, this