Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

S.T. Dijkman, F.A. van den Heuvel the parame 
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Delft University of Technology, Department of Geodesy scams WC 
Thijsseweg 11, 2629JA Delft, The Netherlands 
Email: {S.T.Dijkman, F.A.vandenHeuvel} @citg.tudelft.nl 3. FITT 
CommissionV, WG V/2 Before the 
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KEYWORDS: laser scanning, industrial photogrammetry, registration, augmented reality, orientation, reconstruction es 
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Laserscanning is a technique that is becoming very popular for the acquisition of 3D models, especially in industrial envionments. adjusting t 
As industrial sites are in many cases complex environments, scans from multiple viewpoints have to be taken to be able to model the 
entire site. Before modelling the site can start, registration of all the scans is required. This paper discusses he semi automatic grit Po 
registration of laser scanner data. Starting point for the registration are object models measured in two scans taken from different caleulate h 
positions. The fitting algorithms to find the parameters of the models are based on nonlinear least square adjustments. The method offer hi : fe 
used is not bound to the fitting of a particular model but can be used for different kind of models. The parameters are estimated from The specifi 
the distances from the points to the model. As the equations are nonlinear initial values for the parameters are needed. A method to 
find these for cylinders and planes is discussed. Based on the parameters of the models measured in different scans the registration is 
performed. Assuming neighbouring laser scans to be taken from one sit of an objæt no approximated values are needed. 
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with respec 
Section 2.1 
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1. INTRODUCTION To be able to model sites from a combination of range data for the pose 
) and visual imagery these data sets have to be registered. In this section: as 
In the process industry there is a need to obtain accurate three- paper a technique is presented that is capable of doing this. equations 1 
dimensional models. Those models are for example needed in The method uses corresponding objects measured in different method to 
case of extensions of the existing infrastructure or for scans to determine the transformation parameters. In case parameters 
Augmented Reality (AR) applications. AR allows the user to objects are measured in images, it is possible to register the 
create realistic simulations of the real world by blending real images as well. In the first step planes or cylinders are fitted in 
and virtual environments. Potential applications of AR are different laser scans. Secondly an operator assigns 2.1 Plane 
training, documentation, planning and maintenance correspondences between the measured objects. The last step 
applications. The research at the Delft University of involves the registration of the scans. In close rar 
Technology (DUT) focuses on the 3D-reconstruction of fact that pla 
industrial sites using a combination of close range imagery and Much work has already been done on the registration of laser parameteris 
range data. The research is part of an interdisciplinary 
European Union project called STAR (Services and Training 
scan images. The iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm (Besl, 
McKay, 1992) establishes a set of corresponding points from 
be seen as 2 
through Augmented Reality, www.realviz.com/STAR). two data sets. From this set of comesponding points a Is importan 
transformation is computed. Drawbacks of this method are that perpendicul 
In recent years DUT developed a method to measure three it isn't obvious how to handle multiple data sets and that one provides a 
dimensional industrial sites from a collection of close range point set is assumed to be a subset of the other. That is it plane can b 
images (Ermes, 1999). This method assumes a predefined 
library of parameterised object models defined by 
Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) trees is used to describe 
the site. Each particular object model is projected onto the 
images. In the first step an operator alters the pose and shape 
parameters of the model in order to obtain approximate values 
for the object parameters. The projected CSG model is aligned 
manually with the object as seen in the image. 
Due to technical improvements of close range laser scanners it 
is nowadays feasible to obtain point clouds with accuracies 
better than 5mm with distances of up to 50 meters. Using laser 
scanning alone is not feasible in case very high accuracies are 
desired. Edges cannot be precisely located because of the 
distance between neighbouring laser points. Images are used to 
overcome this problem. The grey values in images provide 
information about the locations of discontinuities in a scene. 
Furthermore visual imagery can be mapped onto reconstructed 
3D models to create a visually realistic model (Stamos & 
Allen, 2000). 
assumes the same points are measured in both scenes, which is 
not the case with laser scanning furthermore occlusions cannot 
be dealt with. 
Zhang (Zhang, 1992) exploits the same idea as ICP but can 
also handle data sets that are not subsets of one another. This 
method detects wrong correspondences by dynamically 
adjusting the distance threshold between points throughout the 
iterations. Later, algorithms were not designed to establish 
point-to-point relationships, but to establish the relationship 
between points in one set to locations on the surfaces 
represented by the points of the other data set (Chen and 
Medioni, 1992; Dorai et al., 1997). The techniques described 
all assume the registration of two images whereas (Eggert et 
al., 1998) is designed to register more scans simultaneously. 
None of the techniques described above, however, is designed 
to register range data and image data simultaneously, although 
some work has been done on the registration of 2D data and 
3D data. (Phong et al., 1995; Kumar & Hanson, 1994) 
signed dista 
Figure 1. Ps 

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