Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

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Fig. 2, 3 — The first picture shows the 
location of Marchesato di Saluzzo (green 
area) in the North West of Italy, i.e. 
Piedmont Region. 
The second one is the orthophoto mosaic of 
Po valley; as you can see is an area with 
varying morfological characteristics. 
Fig. 4 — A visualization of the 1:10 000 Numeric Regional Map of the low 
valley. The squared, circolar and triangular symbols mark the location of 
ancient structures (yellow square for fortified structures, red circles for 
settlements, blu triangles for ecclesiastic structures). In this figure, 
unpreserved structures are not pointed out but they are present and they are 
georeferenced by the centroid of built-up areas 

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