f them inside the
. at least 4 points
if the image has
1 the well known
the orientation
losen in order to
he DTM and the
ependent on the
t be taken into
ets have to be at
t scan rate (e.g.
the scan rate of
eter of 35 mm if
| distance of the
age also have to
e of 40 m and a
n for terrestrial
of about 35 uum
hing algorithms
mn from laser
eflecting target
' Scanner.
iat is useful to
le digital image
sition software
ted points are
he operator to
| the minimum
This value depends on the taking distance of the laser scanner
and must be checked each time on the acquired data.
The reflecting targets always show an image that is larger than
their real size; this is due to the high reflectivity of the signals
compared to the reflectivity of the surrounding materials (light
diffusion). For this reasons the software asks for the size of the
apparent images of the targets.
Finally the operator indicates the linear and angular tolerances
and the beam divergence of the used instruments.
The software sequentially reads all the recorded reflective
values and stores the selected point coordinates in a separate
matrix (the ones with a higher reflective value than the
minimum value chosen by the operator at the beginning).
Impostazione caratteristiche dello s Fup
Markers utilizzati 1 Precisione dello strumento T Tollerenze di contranto
Dimensione dei markers utilizzati per ia. d
preseanalizzazione dei punt us :
Diemetro dei mark LS em
Valore minimo di rifletiività da utilizzare 180. [8/258]
Ame cono
iv. imposta la tolleranza lineare di confronto come [4 volte il diametro dei markers
| Impostalatollerenza angolare di conitonto come [a volte illa precisione angolare
| Annulla | Applica
Figure 4. Initial parameter input window
If the adopted criteria for the definition of the target size is
considered, it appears clear that more than one of the selected
points can belong to the same target.
In order to group together all the points that define a single
reflecting target, the software performs the following steps:
e the first of the selected points is considered as a point
of the target to be searched for (origin);
e the distances of the remaining selected points from the
origin are calculated;
e all the points which have a distance shorter than the
size of the apparent image of the target (previously
defined by the operator) are considered to belong to
the same marker and extracted from the matrix;
e the origin point and all the extracted points in the
previous step are then recorded in a separate sub-
This procedure is iterated until the high reflectivity point matrix
is empty.
The sub-matrices that arise from the described procedure
contain all the points acquired by the laser scanner on the same
In order to avoid outlier and noise acquisitions, the target
coordinate computation is conceived as a robust estimation.
This operation can be summarised as follow:
e the coordinates of the target are calculated using the
median of the selected coordinates;
e all the points which have a higher distance than the
linear tolerance of the used instruments from the
original point are considered outliers and rejected;
e the means of the remaining point coordinates of the
are considered to be the correct coordinates of the
82 high reflectivity points have been selected using the DTM of
figure 2.
The grouping procedures have defined 13 reflecting targets. The
filtering procedure gives the final coordinates of the reflecting
In order to test the implemented algorithm, the same points have
been surveyed by a total station.
Table 5 shows the statistics of the differences between the
relative distances of the targets calculated form the two sets of
coordinates (one estimated by the software and the other
determined by the total station). The target n# 20 has been used
as the origin of the compared distances.
Target Distance 20-# Discrepancies
# [mm] [mm]
| Software | Total Station | :
20 0 0 0
21 426 423 3
22 1006 1004 2
24 1816 1812 4
25 1987 1992 -5
60 90 89 1
61 464 466 -2
62 605 610 -6
63 791 796 -5
65 1173 1166 6
66 1246 1246
67 1376 1380 -5
68 1649 1641 8
Table 5
The used DTM has been acquired using the Riegl LMS 25HA
laser scanner which measures distances with a standard
deviations of 8 mm.
The results confirm the correct and complete automatic
extraction of the reflecting target from the laser scanner DTM.
The set of the reflecting targets coordinates extracted from the
DTM is named “point set 1” in the following.
2.3 Reflecting target extraction from digital images
The second step of the procedure computes the coordinates of
the reflecting target perspective images recorded on the digital
image that has to be oriented.
A traditional least square matching procedure is used. The target
matrix represent the true shape of the signals, scaled according
to the used focal distance and the approximate taking distance.
It is well known that to speed up the matching of pixel
approximation, a approximate position of the searched point has
to be defined.
The software adopts an automatic procedure. Approximate
exterior (e.g. coordinates of the projection point C and the o, ¢
and x angles) and inner (e.g. focal distance) orientation
parameters of the image are usually known.
These approximate values allow one to define an approximate
plane of the image where it is possible to project the coordinates
of the "point set 1" as defined in the previous paragraph (see
fig. 6) using collinearity equations.
The search matrices are then centred on these points and the
size has to be large enough to avoid any differences between the
true image (the one that has to be oriented) and the virtual
image (the one created by the software).
The reflecting targets are not well contrasted inside a digital
image acquired in the visible field.